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  1. a ovo je DA8X





    Major parts in DA8X:

    1. DIR2 chip: YM3436D – this is a digital interface chip accept both AES/SPDIF and Y2 format signal widely use in Yamaha products since 1988. It is used in D2040 also.

    2. YM6067: Parallel to Serial and serial to serial buffer x 2 chips, one chip support total 4 channels digital signal.

    3. SM5803APT: 18 or 20 bit 8x oversample filter x 2 chips.

    4. PCM63-KY or Y: DAC 20bit x 8 pcs; well know ladder type DAC which sound best back in 1989 period.

    5. IV op-amp: M5238 dual op-amp.

    6. Drivers op-amp: NE5532.

    7. Resistor is 1/8W metal film resistors; not like D2020 use RMA resistors.

    8. E-Capacitor: Elna Durex grade, I dissolder and verify the capacitors are still very good after 30 years.

    9. Output couple capacitor is MUSE bi-polar Green capacitors.

    10. Other film capacitor are either 5% or Soshin brand.

  2. znam da sam i ja imao isti problem kada sam se igrao pre desetak godina.

    secam se da je bila neka fora da se ubaci opornik ili dioda.

    davno bese


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