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  1. 54 minutes ago, SHAVIJA said:

    Cekaj zar nisi ti bio na Nikonu a ja na Canonu kad sam otisao , a sad smo se izgleda zamenili :D Jesi na MILC ili FF?. poz

    Bio, pa se prebacio pre vise godina na Canon, za sada jos uvek sam  na 5D MarkIII, a koliko slikam i mobilni telefon je i vise nego sto mi treba :D

  2. ovde mozes da procitas i post o samoj skretnici od AndrewJ koji je radio tada u KEF-u


    Hi. A crossover instead of the Kube? Hmm. I have a pair of KEF 107 - driven by the danish LA Audio mono tube amps. I am not quite happy with the Kube though, muds up the perspective and sound, so...

    Next, the KUBE itself.
    Yes, the system was designed with the KUBE as an integral part of the overall bass alignement. You will definitely get an odd bass response if you don't use it.
    Yes it is full of opamps, and I know that these don't measure up to modern types.
    If you are into doing so much modifications, the best route would be to convert the system to bi-amplification and then insert the KUBE only in the bass amplifier chain. This would avoid any of the concerns of the sound of the KUBE throughout the mid and treble at least.
    Unfortunately I don't have samples of these KUBES any longer, otherwise I would measure them and offer a suggestion of how to build a better version.

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