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Mada se vidi doza besa i nestrpljenja, rez je neuredan [emoji3] 
rez je neuredan zato što nemam kondiciju niti veštinu da dva puta za redom pogodim isto mesto (iz 5 pokušaja) :) u crtanim filmovima je to bilo lakše :)

a bes je nastupio post festum, kad sam shvatio da nisam pokvario testeru, već sam je samo zakočio :D
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Podeli na ovim sajtovima

9 hours ago, Woland said:

ko će bre to otkopavati :)


Despite a lifetime's worth of gnawing on massive tree trunks, beavers are essentially immune to tooth decay; and that's because they've got tiny iron-rich nanowires interwoven throughout the enamel core of those outsized incisors.

In studying the composition of beavers' front teeth -- as well as other types of enamel -- researchers were able for the first time reveal the chemical contribution these amorphous internal wires offer.

All enamel is made up of rods or nanowires stacked and woven together. These spaghetti-like structures are mainly composed of hydroxylapatite, a type of calcium apatite. But surrounding these rods or wires is a layer rich in iron and magnesium, a lamination of minerals that help protect the teeth from acid damage. The ionic makeup of this lamination is the key to why beaver teeth are so strong, researchers found.


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Podeli na ovim sajtovima

13 hours ago, Beli_Ninja said:

Sto bre zalepi ove novale leba ti... Toga bar ima svuda redom za pod sraf.

Kako sto, zvog estetike, da se slazu uz zalepljene kondenzatore, kao kad slazes da ti kosulja i carape budu iste boje, sve mora da bude usklaDJeno...

Vidi se da nemas osecaj za umetnos i estetiku,  ne mesaj se.. :D

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