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Windows 10, Windows 7 i ostala WIN familija


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Zahvaljujući @Mikorist tako sam rešio Win 10 kada sam pazario novi laptop bez OS. :coffee:

Ovaj CJS CD key sajt je kao nekakva stalna rasprodaja svega na veliko. Konkretno, pazario sam jedno 5-6 igara džab-džabe i to jeftinije od Steam-a i Gog-a.

Jedino Blizzard ne mere i od lihvara samo sa battlenet-a. 

Zato sve Betheseda kultne igre ( Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim ) pazarene za tepsiju ribe što kaže @Zen Mod. :)

Takođe, Disco Elisym kupljen jeftinije za nekih 4-5 ojra u odnosu na Steam platformu.

Win Office nema nigde na net-u jeftinije, a proveren original.

Izmenjeno od Doktor
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27 minutes ago, Mikorist said:


Eeee, sad ima da napraviš Win tako da ima da se čuju plombe kad ispadaju iz zuba publike, a ne samo klaptanje proteza na Linuxu.:buehehe:

Šalu na stranu, koliko sam skapirao, za razuman novac se može kupiti legalan program što je vrlo lepo i čovek ne misli jel radi dobro ili ne ko sa krakovanim. 

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pre 20 časa, Zen Mod reče

msm da sam vec postovao
ja napravio i radi ihaj



[ATTACH] After more than 2 weeks of testing and hard work, I have created tool to slim down Windows 10 and convert it into classic Windows similar to...

Evo jos jednoga alata za slimovanje.

Ovaj je prostiji nema kliktanja....




Password: Slimdown2023




How to use ?

Just download Windows 10 22H2 ISO for your preferred language (eg. Win10_22H2_English_x32.iso, Win10_22H2_English_x64.iso).

Note: If you want to download ISO directly (instead of using media creation tool), just use some User Agent Switcher browser extension and change your Web Browser to pretend to be Linux.
When Microsoft detects that you browse their sites with "Linux", their will allow you to download their ISO files directly with your Web Browser.
Alternatively, you can try this link.

Put the ISO into Slimdown10 directory and run Slimdown10.cmd as the Administrator.
It is also recommended to disable Windows Defender antivirus as Slimdown10 needs elevated privileges to do its job.
When it ends, new ISO will be created with name similar this Windows 10_x64_en_US.iso.
Just install it and have fun. I recommend to first checking it on virtual machine (eg. VirtualBox).
The tool ask you only one question: Which edition you choose? (Pro, Home, Education, etc).
You can create only single edition ISO with this tool.
The tool will automatically download and integrated updates to it directly from Microsoft (updates links are in hotfixes\hotfixes_all.txt text file).

More detailed information

Slimdown10 can be tailored to your preference.
Beside possibility of editing Slimdown10.cmd using any notepad app, it also contains some configuration switches on the beginning of it (eg. set DisableTimeSync, set DisableDriversFromWU, set DisablePrefetcher, etc).
Check comments above them to discover their meaning and set it to whatever you want (typically 0 or 1).

Slimdown10 removes plenty of stuff from Windows 10, but it also adds some.
.NET Framework 3.5 is restored for better compatibility with older classic applications.
DirectX 9 June 2010 is added for better compatibility with older multimedia applications (eg. old games).
Support for legacy HLP Help files is added back for better compatibility with old apps.
H265 Video Codec support is also added.

It also contains extra scripts in ExtraScript folder, to further disable components and make your system more secure (yes, the less stuff you have, the more secure your OS will be).
Eg. DisableLanManServer.cmd disables SMB Server (for sharing disks and printers) and closes port TCP 445.
Why this could be important ? Because some viruses (like WannaCry or Sasser) used TCP port 445 (and system service behind it) to spread.
By effectively closing it, your system will no longer be vulnerable to these type of worms. Because you cannot have security hole in component you don’t have.

Slimdown10 removes Edge, but leaves Internet Explorer
Yes, because:
Edge initiates untriggered traffic whereas IE does NOT.
IE cannot truly (fully) be removed, because plenty of old software depends on its components.
IE could be useful sometimes (eg. i still have webcam that can be configured only via IE).
IE can be used to download better browser (including latest version Edge) and leaving it in the system is harmless, and has no effect on privacy.
Please note, when you download and install latest version of Edge from Microsoft, you will no longer be able easily to remove it again.

Note: When first run, Internet Explorer will ask you to choose search engine and start page. You have two options: msn/Bing or blankpage/Google. Choose the latter.

During installation you may still be asked about your privacy preferences, but the answers are irrelevant.
Installer will ask you whether you want to enable features like Location, Find your device, etc.
But it doesn’t matter what you choose, as your settings will be overwritten by group policy settings with max privacy level.
Second, the relevant services, tasks and trackers are disabled, so the system has no way to track you.
In other words, max privacy level (no spying, no ads) is forced and almost impossible to change.

Windows Update is disabled after installation but can be reenabled at any time.
Because in consumer version of Windows 10, Windows Update has no longer manual mode, I had to find another solution.
Windows Update is disabled after installation, but in Windows Administrative Tools there is a simple tool Toggle Windows Update. It switches Windows Update on and off but requires reboot.
Just run it, and you can update your system. When update is done, run it again to disable automatic updates.

Please note: When Windows Update is disabled, downloading drivers from Windows Update doesn't work too. Downloading Windows Linux Subsystem also doesn't work.
You have to use Toggle Windows Update to switch on Windows Update services, for the above to be possible.

Microphone and Camera access are in disabled state by default, but it it can be reenabled with 2 clicks.
For privacy, I do not want apps to access microphone by default. But it can be easily changed in Settings, Privacy and enabled again.

Some privacy settings cannot be reenabled.
Yes, some settings (eg. location, diagnostics, voice activation) are forced to disabled state via group policies, because they are completely incompatible with the system that aims at privacy.
My goal is to create a classic, privacy oriented Windows (like older versions of Windows), not the modern cloud based OS that Windows 10 comes as standard.

After installation, sounds and animations may be enabled but they are gone after reboot.
My goal is to create clean and quick OS, so UI animations are disabled by default. But Windows doesn’t honor default settings in the registry, so they are reapplied after first boot and are effective after first reboot.
There 2 scripts that are run during installation (Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.cmd and Windows\UserSetup.cmd). They are both run only once and they are deleted immediately after installation process finishes.

Windows Store support restored (new!)
In most recent versions of Slimdown tool Windows Store support is reimplemented.
It could be enabled by EnableStore setting inside Slimdown10.cmd file.
When you enable Windows Store, UWP permissions will be changed accordingly, depending on EnableStore setting (from 1 to 4). When you set it to 4, all permissions will be reenabled.
Also when EnableStore is greater than 0 (ie. enabled), Windows Update will be also enabled by default, so downloading store app will be possible.
If you do not want Windows Update, you can disable it by Toggle Windows Update tool (described above), but it will also make impossible to download store apps (unless you enable it again).
Also please note, that some store apps are so called PWA applications and they require Microsoft Edge to run. Facebook and Twitter are good examples. So you must download and install Microsoft Edge browser in order to install and use them.

Host operating system requirements:

- Minimal: Windows 7 SP1
- Recommended: Windows 10 22H2 or later

Notes about Activation

If you experience issues with your online digital activation, look at this post (point 7), where it is explained.
In short: it works but it could be delayed.
Digital Activation delays have no impact on alternative activation methods (ie. KMS activation).

If you use MAS activation, please enable store or store apps before (look here).

Other activation methods, like KMS_VL_ALL or KMS38 should work without prerequisites.

Note about clean install

If you have some garbage partitions on your hard drive or if you used software RAID previously (or any similar technology), it is always good to do clean install.
Wiping out partitions and RAID signatures is best way to avoid any issues in the future.
Look here for details how it can be done with SystemRescue Linux Live CD.


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sa W7 sam bio prezadovoljan.

p r e z a d o v o lj a n.

ali, ne lezi vraze, burazer me ubedi da mi instalira 10-ku.

dugo sam se gicao i pruzao otpor, i na kraju poklekao. :(

mozda ne bi bilo 10-ke, da mi nije hard disk polako ali sigurno umreo.

onda smo uradili generalnu, ubacili novu memoriju, ssd umesto harda i

za svaki slucaj novo napajanje.

i onda ... ajde 10-ka ...

meni kao korisniku je w10 naspram w7 govno.

ponajvise zbog starih igara, kad retko imam vremena, igram stare

igre, bas stare, tipa DOW Dark Crusade, Rising Kingoms ...

te dve rade ali starije ... rade uz malo muke.

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On 27. 6. 2023. at 11:59, Mikorist reče

[ATTACH] After more than 2 weeks of testing and hard work, I have created tool to slim down Windows 10 and convert it into classic Windows similar to...

Evo jos jednoga alata za slimovanje.

Ovaj je prostiji nema kliktanja....



  Sakrij sadržaj
  Sakrij sadržaj

Password: Slimdown2023



  Sakrij sadržaj

How to use ?

Just download Windows 10 22H2 ISO for your preferred language (eg. Win10_22H2_English_x32.iso, Win10_22H2_English_x64.iso).

Note: If you want to download ISO directly (instead of using media creation tool), just use some User Agent Switcher browser extension and change your Web Browser to pretend to be Linux.
When Microsoft detects that you browse their sites with "Linux", their will allow you to download their ISO files directly with your Web Browser.
Alternatively, you can try this link.

Put the ISO into Slimdown10 directory and run Slimdown10.cmd as the Administrator.
It is also recommended to disable Windows Defender antivirus as Slimdown10 needs elevated privileges to do its job.
When it ends, new ISO will be created with name similar this Windows 10_x64_en_US.iso.
Just install it and have fun. I recommend to first checking it on virtual machine (eg. VirtualBox).
The tool ask you only one question: Which edition you choose? (Pro, Home, Education, etc).
You can create only single edition ISO with this tool.
The tool will automatically download and integrated updates to it directly from Microsoft (updates links are in hotfixes\hotfixes_all.txt text file).

More detailed information

Slimdown10 can be tailored to your preference.
Beside possibility of editing Slimdown10.cmd using any notepad app, it also contains some configuration switches on the beginning of it (eg. set DisableTimeSync, set DisableDriversFromWU, set DisablePrefetcher, etc).
Check comments above them to discover their meaning and set it to whatever you want (typically 0 or 1).

Slimdown10 removes plenty of stuff from Windows 10, but it also adds some.
.NET Framework 3.5 is restored for better compatibility with older classic applications.
DirectX 9 June 2010 is added for better compatibility with older multimedia applications (eg. old games).
Support for legacy HLP Help files is added back for better compatibility with old apps.
H265 Video Codec support is also added.

It also contains extra scripts in ExtraScript folder, to further disable components and make your system more secure (yes, the less stuff you have, the more secure your OS will be).
Eg. DisableLanManServer.cmd disables SMB Server (for sharing disks and printers) and closes port TCP 445.
Why this could be important ? Because some viruses (like WannaCry or Sasser) used TCP port 445 (and system service behind it) to spread.
By effectively closing it, your system will no longer be vulnerable to these type of worms. Because you cannot have security hole in component you don’t have.

Slimdown10 removes Edge, but leaves Internet Explorer
Yes, because:
Edge initiates untriggered traffic whereas IE does NOT.
IE cannot truly (fully) be removed, because plenty of old software depends on its components.
IE could be useful sometimes (eg. i still have webcam that can be configured only via IE).
IE can be used to download better browser (including latest version Edge) and leaving it in the system is harmless, and has no effect on privacy.
Please note, when you download and install latest version of Edge from Microsoft, you will no longer be able easily to remove it again.

Note: When first run, Internet Explorer will ask you to choose search engine and start page. You have two options: msn/Bing or blankpage/Google. Choose the latter.

During installation you may still be asked about your privacy preferences, but the answers are irrelevant.
Installer will ask you whether you want to enable features like Location, Find your device, etc.
But it doesn’t matter what you choose, as your settings will be overwritten by group policy settings with max privacy level.
Second, the relevant services, tasks and trackers are disabled, so the system has no way to track you.
In other words, max privacy level (no spying, no ads) is forced and almost impossible to change.

Windows Update is disabled after installation but can be reenabled at any time.
Because in consumer version of Windows 10, Windows Update has no longer manual mode, I had to find another solution.
Windows Update is disabled after installation, but in Windows Administrative Tools there is a simple tool Toggle Windows Update. It switches Windows Update on and off but requires reboot.
Just run it, and you can update your system. When update is done, run it again to disable automatic updates.

Please note: When Windows Update is disabled, downloading drivers from Windows Update doesn't work too. Downloading Windows Linux Subsystem also doesn't work.
You have to use Toggle Windows Update to switch on Windows Update services, for the above to be possible.

Microphone and Camera access are in disabled state by default, but it it can be reenabled with 2 clicks.
For privacy, I do not want apps to access microphone by default. But it can be easily changed in Settings, Privacy and enabled again.

Some privacy settings cannot be reenabled.
Yes, some settings (eg. location, diagnostics, voice activation) are forced to disabled state via group policies, because they are completely incompatible with the system that aims at privacy.
My goal is to create a classic, privacy oriented Windows (like older versions of Windows), not the modern cloud based OS that Windows 10 comes as standard.

After installation, sounds and animations may be enabled but they are gone after reboot.
My goal is to create clean and quick OS, so UI animations are disabled by default. But Windows doesn’t honor default settings in the registry, so they are reapplied after first boot and are effective after first reboot.
There 2 scripts that are run during installation (Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.cmd and Windows\UserSetup.cmd). They are both run only once and they are deleted immediately after installation process finishes.

Windows Store support restored (new!)
In most recent versions of Slimdown tool Windows Store support is reimplemented.
It could be enabled by EnableStore setting inside Slimdown10.cmd file.
When you enable Windows Store, UWP permissions will be changed accordingly, depending on EnableStore setting (from 1 to 4). When you set it to 4, all permissions will be reenabled.
Also when EnableStore is greater than 0 (ie. enabled), Windows Update will be also enabled by default, so downloading store app will be possible.
If you do not want Windows Update, you can disable it by Toggle Windows Update tool (described above), but it will also make impossible to download store apps (unless you enable it again).
Also please note, that some store apps are so called PWA applications and they require Microsoft Edge to run. Facebook and Twitter are good examples. So you must download and install Microsoft Edge browser in order to install and use them.

Host operating system requirements:

- Minimal: Windows 7 SP1
- Recommended: Windows 10 22H2 or later

Notes about Activation

If you experience issues with your online digital activation, look at this post (point 7), where it is explained.
In short: it works but it could be delayed.
Digital Activation delays have no impact on alternative activation methods (ie. KMS activation).

If you use MAS activation, please enable store or store apps before (look here).

Other activation methods, like KMS_VL_ALL or KMS38 should work without prerequisites.

Note about clean install

If you have some garbage partitions on your hard drive or if you used software RAID previously (or any similar technology), it is always good to do clean install.
Wiping out partitions and RAID signatures is best way to avoid any issues in the future.
Look here for details how it can be done with SystemRescue Linux Live CD.


Probao ovo sa win skinuo sve napravio kao u uputstvu i nista , win ostao kao i u original instalaciji osim sto sam 2 puta izgubio po sat vremena , instalisao bez interneta , taj sim program nekim cudom nije nasao registri u win i kao nesto radio a nista nije uradio , pa umjesto slim dobio full fat win verziju sa svim zaj***:phil_04:

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pre 14 minuta, zek reče

Znači, džabe ste krečili ... :phil_04:

Najbolje je rucno da znas svaku komandu napamet.

To ne znam za Windows...Linux da. 


Na Androidu isto radim debloat. Sa ADB. Toliko se namnožilo reklama na telefonu da postaje neupotrebljivo smeće:D

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Imam problem sa thinkpad t470 I5 7200 dobio ga sa win11 , neupotrebljivo sporo , procesor stalno na 100% , samo proizvodi toplotu, instalirao win10 malo radio i opet neupotrebljivo sporo, apdejtovao bios i  sada ajde vec nekako radi, ali windows ubi sa glupostima otvorim task menager on ima ukljuceno moja 2 programa jos nekih 31 i plus 93 procesa nisu normalni vise u mikrosoftu.

Probao ovo sa slimdown sa prije skinutim win 22h2 ali za nacionalne manjine i nece hoce izgleda samo eng.

Idem sad provjerenim metodom sa rutraker org, neki popravljen , ali mi je smor vracati rusku verziju na eng pa trazim da ima i ru/eng da ne komplikujem. A kad odem online win se javlja u MS  glavni stab tamo salje broj iz biosa i sam se legalizuje.

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On 3. 7. 2023. at 22:42, gluv_i_udaren reče

Stavi lepo ltsc i još ga malo doteraj sa onim 0&0 shutup ili tako nečim. To je k’o win7 onda. Ako i to ne radi kako treba, baci laptop

Instalirao ovu LTSC sa rutrakera , verzija sa offisom i licenciranjem (koje mi ne treba) , moze da ga opravi da izgleda kao w7 , iskljucuje ukljucuje svasta , smanjio potrosnju memorije na neverovatnih 17% u difoltu, laptop radi jako brzo , ali sve na ruskom , probacu drugu sa novijim win , navodno ima i englesku verziju da ne prebacujem ovu na englesku.

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Taj lenovo thinkpad t470 ima kljuc u biosu , bilo koji win instaliras legalan je , bio w11, sporo , izgleda bios trebalo osvjeziti , sad radi ok.

Unutra je fizicka 2 jezgra 2,7 ili 2,8ghz turbo 3GHz. Skinuo sa rutrakera neku prepravljenu verziji do sada najbolje , ima u sebi skripte ili sta vec ukljucujes ili iskljucujes sta hoces. 

Ali nema zvuka na zvucnicima , vu metri rade kao da ima ali mutav.

Ponovo instalirao ali nisam iskljucivao nista , isti problem, sve radi ali nema zvuka, probao drajvere deinstalacija pa instalacija, lenovo drajvere , nista.

Nasao na googlu jos neki imali taj problem sa novom instalacijom W10 , trebalo je na tastaturi pritisnuti mute tipku i jos jednom i zvuk proradi :dosta:


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