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Sve objavljeno od AR2

  1. Svakako, ali ne samo da dobijas pravu pomoc za merenje nego uz to i vrsni AD converter tako da mozes da digitalizujes bilo koji analogni source. Normalno ukoliko imas potrebu za tim. Kod mene je digitalna skretnica prisutna tako da sve sto u nju ulazi mora da bude digitalno. Analogne ulaze sam odavno iskljucio jer nicemu nisu vredeli i nije mi pravilo nikakav sense da se oko toga petljam. Moram da ti se zahvalim, veoma, za pomoc oko Spectra Scan softwera, koji je izuzetan, a i osecam se komforno sa njim jer sam ga odavno koristio, ali sam prestao da ga koristim sa prelaskom na Vistu i W7. Valja napomenuti da sam ja preistorijski Mac guy, a Windows koristim samo za audio potrebe. Najlepse je sto Spectra radi po W7 64bit koji ja najvise koristim, ali nazalost mislim da nema support za ASIO koji moj RME Firewire 800 interface koristi.Vredno je reci da su se mnogi veoma pohvalno izrazili za ARTA software, koji mislim da potice od nekog Profesora iz Splita, koliko se secam, ali ga dosta promovise jedan Nemac. Sto se tice software za dizajn zvucnika ja koristim SoundEasy vec dosta godina i koji je odlican.
  2. Berkut, Potpuno se slazemo u svim observacijama i nema razloga za polemiku. Ali....... Stavi se u cipele nekoga ko se neobavezno bavi ovim hobijem i ko nema zelju / potrebu/ mogucnost da ulaze u mernu opremu. Za onoga ko se odluci to je rupa bez dna. Uz to nikad kraja svemu "sto ti treba" Takvog usera ja zamisljam da ima u najboljem slucaju i ako: stari scope i nekakav voltmetar. Bez icega drugog slozices se da ce takav user da bude jako srecan kada vidi svoj prvi signal na ekranu, da ce biti jako srecan da generise test sinusoidu ili square wave u bilo kojoj frekvenciji i da je pusti kroz svoj uredjaj. Takodje pored merne opreme potrebni su probes, treba znati kada i zasto da se uradi ispravna terminacija, za sta je takodje potrebna oprema... Slozice mo se da bi svakome preporucili da ima i signal generator i function generator i signal analyzer i moderan scope i distortion analyzer i jos po nesto, ali to u vecini slucajeva nije mogucnost. Kod onoga ko ne zeli ili ne moze sve to, software base solution nije lose za pocetak. Nakon toga i malo iskustva stecenog, kao i spoznaja sa limitacijama uputice pocetnika u pravom smeru. Takodje moderna oprema koju proizvodi Agilent i AP nije nista drugo nego software based hardware sa veoma kvalitetnim hardware interface-om. Svakako neko ko se bavi researchom na cell telefonima ili bilo chime u HF rangu nece koristiti PC hakovan software jer par mm zice tu pravi razliku dan i noc, ali za audio hobiste to ce raditi u mnogim situacijama. Zato hajde da kanalisemo nase savete i da u postojecim uslovima usmerimo ljude, da ukoliko koriste takav pristup, bar to rade na ispravan nacin. Ja sam uvek gladan za takve savete i bas kroz predloge i savete drugih sam saznao mnogo za sta sam veoma zahvalan. Ti ocito poznajes materiju jako dobro i mnogi od nas ce biti veoma zhvalni ukoliko nas kanalises da merenja koja su obavljena softwarski budu koliko toliko bliska realnosti. Nakon toga svako ce zakljuciti u kom smeru zeli da ide. U mojoj situcaiji, samo mogu da kazem da PC nikada ne moze da zameni moj HP network analyzer, ali bez PC ja nisam ni znao sta mi treba. Pozdrav
  3. SP300, ovo moze da ti bude jako interesantno. Ja cekam da mi stigne plocica i jako sam zainteresovan da ga napravim i probam. Rec je o veoma kvalitetnom ADC converteru koji je napravljen sa namerom da se koristi za PC software measurements. Mislim da je ovo missing link za uspesna merenja. Ovaj Francuz zaista zna sta radi, pogledaj njegove ostale projekte, na primer ovaj balansirani 10 kHz low noise signal generator. Evo PDF dokument koji u detalj pise o samom uredjaju i konstrukciji, kao i link za DIYAudio, pa pokusaj da kontaktiras Frexa da vidis da li mozda ima jos koju plocicu vise. Ja sam na ovo i zaboravio, ali kako je on poceo ponovo da pise o ovom projektu, tek sam se onda setio da ti preporucim. Ovo omogucava da se kompletno eliminise noise kompjuterskog Power Supply, da mozes da postignes merenja u domenu +- 10 V, da koristis scope probes, kao i da obezbedjujes digitalni ulaz u karticu sto je najkvalitetnije i eliminise gresku internih predpojacala.http://www.diyaudio.com/wiki/DIY_CS5381_Analog-to-Digital_converter_PCB_Group_buy AA5381v1_manualv0.2.pdf
  4. Guys, I have been busy these days, little bit fried on Friday night. I have been reeding these findings with the great interst, but I have to admit, I am loosing you on this. Could we please use the nomenclature used on the board - instead of upper - lower, lets use R... Than everyone can easily look on schematic and find out exactly what we are taking about. Sorry I am a bit slow Best
  5. Guys sorry for the late response, but here it is. I would not feel comfortable to give you a definitive answer since my last listening of J2 was at Nelson over a year ago. So I really cannot compare in detail. Plus we listen it on completely different speakers, diffrent room... There is only one expression I would share. I was really excited about how it sounded then. And I am equaly excited how it sounds on BJ2. I love it, it is completely new beast and it is a good one. Other than that I really do not remember the detaiils, besides that when we placed that amp in, I knew that was it. I also remember that it sounded just right and very close to how tube sounds, and likewise that is how I would describe the BJ2 sound.I hope this answers your question.
  6. It is very hard to translate the hearing experience to words, but regardless, I think you nailed it very well. It certainly is different than anything we dealt so far with MOSFETS. I think the most impressive part is bass. If this amp has more juice it would be the bass reference amp. When I say more juice, I am thinking in the range of 300 - 600 W, so that it could be used for anything and any purpose in oppose to existing 28W. The bass is sick. If the output works for your system - combination of speakers and room size, than you are happy camper right there. On the top I completely agree with your description that upper mids and highs are clean but a tad darker. Certainly much darker than F5, that has a clinical precision. In that department it is the closest I ever heard to the SE triode. Where it differentiate from it, and as far as I could tell since I do not consider having it long enough, is in the lower mids. I do not know what to say, but I think it slightly missing body in that department, but that is ever slightly, tiny bitty. I mean I am right now going into the painful details and that is really not right since I didn't even move it to my main listening room to give you the full answer. One thing is certain, every recording sounds different what is about normal and right. The good recordings are exactly that and the shity ones come just like that. No lies there, what tells you that amp does what it suppose to do. Overall it is very magical and powerful at the same time, and after switching to some other amp produces a burning desire to switch back to it.
  7. E ovo je mnogo smesno.Cestitke stizu i odavde. Neka je sa srecom! Nista lepse od mirisa novih kola. Predpostavljam da nece biti odgovora od Chokija jedno duze vreme. Mora da je pala jedna lepa test voznja.
  8. Haha, to je bas staro. Ja sam i zaboravio na to. SY je sjajan i zna bas puno. Nakon tih pokusaja ja sam manje vise presao na pravu mernu opremu koja olaksava zivot veoma, ali kao sto rekoh kompjuter ima svoje prednosti takodje.
  9. Signal generator iz softwera ili poseban uredjaj? Ukoliko je poseban uredjaj ond moras da uskladis terminaciju na 50 ili 600 ohms. Tu nastaju problemi kada se mesa spoljasnji hardware. Za loop testiranje sve je OK, a kada pokusas da prikljucujes nesto od test / merne opreme tada moras da budes pazljiv sa terminacijama da bi dobio ispravna merenja. Za korektna in circuit merenja bi trebalo napraviti predpojacala koja prihvataju scope probes tako da imas impedancu od 10 Mohms, a sa druge strane prema ulazu na kartici sto nizu impedancu, idealno 50 ohm.
  10. He, he nista bez Trsta.Vrlo zanimljiv predlog za projekat.
  11. Potpuno se slazem da se merenja na instrumentime ne moze porediti sa merenjem na kompjuteru, gde je osnovni ogranicavajuci faktor kartica, a nakon toga i probes i ulazna elektronika. Medjutim... Ima podosta stvari za sta kompjuter radi jako dobro. Ono sto kompjuter i kartica ne mogu da daju to su merenja koja idu preko Nyquist-ove frekvencije, a ja smatram da je jako vazno videtio celu sliku a ne samo 20 do 20. Ja uvek pokusavam da obavim merenja do 100KHz da bih dobio podpunu sliku sta se stvarno desava sa signalom. Ono za sta je kompjuter stvarno nenadmasan je za merenje zvucnika. Sve drugo za audio, samo treba reci AP. Ko je srecan da ima AP narocito kasnije generacije sa digitalnim IOs, tom skoro da ni voltmetar i scope ne treba. :-) Ako AP nije opcija onda je potrebno vise uredjaja da bi zamenili njegove funkcije.
  12. Odlicno. Javi ukoliko imas bilo koje pitanje vezano za Right Mark. To su neki Rusi koji su napravili taj software i ja sam cak i platio za Pro verziju da bih imao ASIO support. Bez ASIO support software je free za downloadhttp://audio.rightmark.org/download.shtml
  13. Super, to znaci po cika Nykwistu mozes da radis merenje do 192/2 sto ce reci do 96 KHz. Pozdrav
  14. Spectra Pro je izuzetan software. Ja sam ga dugo koristio ranije, dok je moglo da se nadje hackovana verzija. Kasnije su poostrili rezim pa ga vise nema na netu, pa sam i ja prestao da ga koristim.Ukoliko je kompjuter normalne brzine, a kartica deluje sasvim pristojno, slazem se da ne bi trebalo da bude problema za live work.Drago mi je da si uspeo da sve sklopis i da ti radi kako treba. Right Mark Audio radi odlicno za automated measurements, a Spectra Pro je divan za rucni rad.
  15. Right Mark Audio je zaista odlican za ono sto radi. Takodje Arta software moze lepo da odradi razna merenja. Svakako treba mati u vidu ogranicenja koja su uspostavljena samom karticom. Ukoliko je kartica 24/94 u tom slucaju maksimalno merenje koje moze da se obavi je do 48KHz. Drugi problem su probes. Idealno je koristiti osciloscope probes, ali ulazi na kartici nisu za to predvidjeni. Najbolje je koristiti kombinaciju merenja, nesto na uredjajima koji su za to napravljeni, a nesto na kartici sto moze a da se ne pravi impedance missmatch. Kompjuter i kartica su idealbi za merenje zvucnika. Merenje in circuit napona elemenata je jos uvek bolje na scope da se radi. Moguce je napraviti adaptere tako da scope probes mogu da rade i sa karticom.
  16. AR2

    GK 71 tube amp

    Ma ja bih bio malo pazljiviji sa ovim stvarima. Vidi sta tu pise. Ne kapiram bas mnogo ruski, osim sto devojkama volim da potrazim šibicu, ali koliko vidim iz ovog...Ne gine ti zatvor negde na Istoku 20 godina, a kao šatro ne boli...
  17. Iskreno razumem muku sa kolima i praznim obecanjima, imate moju podršku da izdržite. Kad bude iza vas nećete se ni setiti. Tačno je da to može da te dovede do ludila, ali ako malo bolje razmisliš postoje mnogo gore stvari oko čega bi stvarno čovek mogao da se sekira, pa u poređenju sa tim, ha kola, to je ništa.Reno! Odrastao sam u Renou Gordini, sto je sportska verzija Renoa 8. Kad kazem odrastao, to je bio ocev ljubimac, njegova prva kola nakon Vespe. Eh, davnih li vremena, kad se cela porodica potrpa u taj mali autic i krene put mora. I to smo pamtili i prepricavali. Ovde, kod mene, cim se rodi beba, zena mora odmah da pređe u Van, kao da je rodila nilskog konja a ne par kila bebu. Valjda da može da stane sve? Sad kad se setim, tako natovareni, sa sve četvoro unutra, otac kada počne da pretiče na putu, uhvati zalet dovoljan da pofigne i 747 u vazduh, a ne tu malu zujalicu. Ha, ništa nam ne fali, živi smo i zdravi i uz to duhovno bogatiji. Pozdrav, i uveren sam da se Punto pronto smeši iza ćoška nedelje.
  18. Last year when I heard for the first time J2 at Nelson's place, I was very excited about that amp. Maybe I am too conservative in my expression - I was ecstatic about it. It sounded really great. As I had option to compare it to F5, F3, M2... I was positive J2 was it! Later in the year I build my F5 and F3 and tend to like them a lot. Both of these amps were my favorite, but F5 was kind of ahead of F3. Maybe because I do not have speakers that F3 would shine on, some highly sensitive full rangers that are slightly brighter. F5 on the ones I am using for everyday listening is something I would recommend to anyone. Really great amp. Last summer when I visited Zen Mod, he had great surprise for me - Babelfish J2 boards and two sets of Semi South JFETS. I do not have to say that I was more than surprised and too shy to accept the gift. But after some "arm twisting" I was off the road to SF with the precious package. I wanted to wait a moment when my workload would allow me to fully enjoy assembly of my present and to give it a proper attention. I got good parts, all Dale resistors, decided to use my Threshold case, and I was ready to go. I was really patient, what is really not my stronger side. Shortly after, I was ready to do the first test run, and to my disappointment it didn't go well. My measurement were weird, my DC offset was bad, amp acted erratically... OK Skype with Zen Mod, again measurements, resistor value changes, parts swapping, still bad... Ha I managed even to confuse Zen Modlu. It took about two weeks of testing until it become clear what was going on. The first problem - LED diodes were off, and they were trowing everything out of balance. Ended up eliminating two and landed on four with what I was getting the right voltage measurement. The other problem I had — during all this trial and error time I managed to burn two Semi Souths. I said OK, I will order more, but lets have one channel working just to hear it. What was left were two badly mismatched Semi Souths. We were able to make it work, but as such it was very unstable and prone to loose balance. I ordered 6 more Sami Souths, 4 to install and 2 just in case. When they arrived, install was breeze, amp acted as it should, by the book. All in all LEDs were the source of all problems. Finally I am trilled owner of working Babelfish J2. What is left to do is to tap some holes in my case, solve few mechanical issues, and that is it. In the meantime, I will listen. And listening I did. I was deliberating — do I post my findings? There are not too many people that were as fortunate to receive such a present from Zen Mod, and out of respect for Nelson he is not going to make these boards as a production run. Do I really tell you what I am hearing, or I keep that for myself? It is really hard to be quiet about this. My hand is typing without my decision to do it... Shortly - this is THE amp. This is the king of the amps. This amp is the ultimate nirvana you have been searching all these years. This is the holly grail of all amps. This is the tube amp that doesn't glow, but sounds like one and than better than one. If anyone tries to take this amp from you, you will be defending it until you have no more limbs to fight with, just like in Monty Python's Holly Grail... but you will still be able to spit. All my hats down to Nelson and Zen Mod. I am bowing down to the point I am touching ground with my nose. I do not know what Nelson did in his case, and I still do not know, and I know that Choky didn't know what Nelson did, but he was able understand and to add some, and maybe do it in his own way. He is definitely on the same wavelength with Nelson. He added his signatures in the circuit, free of market constraints that Nelson has to respect... And he did it in the big way. So how does it sounds? It sounds perfect. Nićega previše, Nićega premalo. It sounds right and complete. Singers voice has bass, has mids, has chest. Female singers has bre... upps, chests, you could feel them expanding and shrinking as the air travels through them. Voice is just real. Highs are magical. They are plentiful, but not dry or clinical, they are just magical. This is an amp for any speaker. It has everything in there, so speaker will take it if it can. There is so much base, and midbase you could take shower in it, but it is still not muddy or wooly. It is just right and warm and precise at the same time. That is it, I am not going to say anything about it, someone will come and try to take it. But I tell you I will fight until I could only spit. Zen Modla deserves for this one to be called Zeuss of Audio and to sit above the Olymp, but lets be local and practical, take him out to the Fruška Gora, that will do just fine. Here are the few shots of my current set up, that is waiting to be housed in the case bellow.
  19. AR2

    Lepota dizajna

    Nisam znao da si i ti masinac.... Magura mora da je uzivao.
  20. AR2

    Lepota dizajna

    Posalji mi adresu na emajl
  21. AR2

    Lepota dizajna

    Koliko vidim oni prodaju obican polarizacioni (ili bilo koji drugi) filter sa navojem i uz to prodaju adapter, koji prebacuje sa navoja na objektiv. Ja imam polarizacioni filter koji bih ti rado poslao, ali ti je potreban onda adapter.http://www.newworldvideodirect.com/productdetail.asp?productid=10750&refid=froogle
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