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AD1865 / AD1862 / PCM63P NOS USB DAC (blast from the past)


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11 hours ago, Mikorist said:

Možda @NIXIE izmeri ponovo svoj  DDDAC kada se vrati sa mora. Ono je kačio na diyaudio pa sam preneo i ovde....

Treba da se uvede mera dosade za uređaje....

Ja da ga merim ne pada mi na pamet. Prestao sam sa patkometrijom  još sa 15 godina. :msn-rofl:

Nixie nikad nije nista merio osim osciloskopa. Tek treba da sedne to da odradi. Nasao je veroovatno neke slike sa neta za thd. 

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On 8/18/2022 at 12:40 AM, Mikorist said:

Screenshot 2022-08-18 at 00.37.24.png

Evo ti Doede Douma ima isto merenje kao i on sa kondezatorom na DDDAC1794.

Tako treba da bude po konstruktoru :risitas:

Da da, sad vidim da je to kvantifikovani signal NOS dac-a, bez korekcije i modelovanja filterom.

Takav signal moze da bude izazov za razne sisteme.

Svakako je odredjena vrsta zabave.


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pre 4 časa, Brijac reče

NewclassD mk2


New Class D vs Sparkos

Im a big fan of the New class D as they are apart of my reference opamps terms. They do cost a bit compared to the rest of the flock of regular opamps. Not without a reason. They are a lot harder to build and cost quit a bit more to build. They also performs a hell of a lot better. Soundstage is huge and very realistic. Bass goes all the way down and has the heft. They are very resolving little animals and dead quiet. Almost with no coloration of any kind. They let your hear how good or bad your components are designed. If your power supply isn't up for the task they will sound as so! Resolution on the New Class D is among the best I've encountered. So the Sparkos is up for a bit of a challenge here. So how do they compare!?

The Sparkos

Now things got a bit heated. Cause they are both darn good opamps. Thew two mighty under the test were death quiet and very fast. Dynamics were quit of equal level and I couldn't tell one from the other. Resolution wise the Sparkos optimism were better overall. They had a tiny bit more to tell and was able to open the window of the music better. Regarding the soundstage the Sparkos were also in front. Despite they were a little more laid back presentation was more open and had better depth. Midrange was almost identical but the Sparkos got won the battle with the little more edge. Voices were presented with more body and  more tuneful. Top end was a warmer with better natural presentation. The Sparkos are my new reference. No matter were I've put them in, they perform stand out well!


Ali ipak ne mora ništa da znači tuđa priča dok sam ne čuješ svojim ušima.

Ja moram MUSES03 da probam zato što imaju najjači izlaz za slušalice  - 250mA - a nijanse su u pitanju isto.  Mada Jfets su u njima.....

Drugi ne mogu Muses nisu single.

Možda Japanci znaju nešto što drugi ne znaju - mada ne verujem......:hihihihi:

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1 hour ago, Mikorist said:

Najbolje je sam ko ume da napravi diskretni opamp na dip8 postolju. Pa lepo sam biraš delove i na njemu. Čak ni veličina nije bitna kod mene.

Najbolje bi bilo kad bi mogao ceo bafer iz Irona da nasadim na DIP8 :msn-rofl:

u Ironu ti je cisti buffer, on ne moze da radi posao OP, u ovom slucaju I/V konverzija

bas kontra, posao buffera je V/I konverzija

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