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New Monoblock chassis (sets!!!) from Modushop

Zen Mod

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Well, I'm certainly not first one to ask Modushop Team is there solution for slim Monoblock case ..........
Anyway , recently I did chat with our Italian friends ...... and thet are evidently willing to do something

Basic idea is to have 4U/400 case, but narrower

Entire package, (hoping they did understood my ZMEngrish) consisting of 3 iterations:

1. first logical iteration is one side having 4U/400 heatsink ( I don't care is it one piece or two) , while other side being blank plate ; you can orientate it by wish, so wth pair having one right and one left enclosure

2. second logical iteration is heatsinkless case, intended for separate PSU ( don't ask, I'm first one thinking of pair of cases per side, just as Demonstration of Force, if not necessity) ....... so penny-pinchers among Greedy Boyz can make one (pair) of mono PSUs and zillion of channel cases, then combine them Till End of Time

3.third logical iteration is both sides having heatsink, so you can squeeze nicely thought elegant Beauty of Amp inside ........ from whichever reason - easier to smuggle by Kerber, or esier to put more of them on shelf ..... or you just like them that way

set of preliminary pictures enclosed, raw finish, not anodized .........

my Vote goes to front plate (as usual) covering entire width, including heatsinks

What ya say ?

Basic dimensions are sorta carved in stone ( zillion Greedy Boyz, zillion and one opinion) so don't bother to change that; what I'm asking now is - what you say for width of front plate ........... and do you have any (useful and beneficial!!) idea to add?

Unification reasons (price for Greedy Boyz) - dimensions of "cage" itself must be the same for all 3 iterations;
Now - I like idea of full width front for case with one and 2 sinks, I like the same for heatsinkless one - when looking them in pair, and I'm sorta ambivalent when thinking about empty space behind wide front plate without sinks; so...... as always - compromises.........

I'm sure Gianluca will chime in, to give you details about width of case ...... I deliberately left that for him

And yes, 'Talians - Danilo Petrucci is first man alive, after having 2 MotoGP victories, also claiming victory in Dakar stage for motorcycles

Go figure; it must be something in the air or water, in Italy











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sinke, ovaj , Sinke - esi ti muzicar?


ene, taj model i nije toliko star ..... aktuelni je (naslednik) E280, koji je maltene isti unutra

koliko si Accuphase ampova slusao i u kakvim sistemima?

dobar je Accuphase za one koji ne mogu sami da naprave, pa se jos povode za citanjem periodike ....... pa im termini tipa "sinergija" i "slaganje" i "kompatibilnost" znace nesto

ono, svira Accu - nije da ne svira ........ ali za te pare moze i bolje - ako kupujes ....... a ako pravis, tek onda moze bolje



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To "Ako praviš" mi deluje sirotanski, trenutno sam ponosni vlasnik E-405 i E-350 a planiram i još. Puno soba treba to oplemeniti. Nije to nešto ni skupo a planiram i jedan sistem Pre+ Pow amp.

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