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Sve objavljeno od Magura

  1. I usually pick them up from the drawer labeled "Matched LU1014D" :to_become_senile:Counting out my stock, there should be plenty of them all over the world. They were sold to the DIY community by the thousand, and relatively few amps has been made utilizing them. Magura
  2. The ChoMaKyGura Donut schematic is at the first page of the "Donut" thread in the SS forum here at DIYA.RS.As for the version for the mob, no idea :rofl:Magura
  3. I'm fairly sure that in the application we are using the LU's, there will be little to gain by replacing them. They work well within their comfort zone. I did briefly consider buying a few of the SouthSemi JFET's, but regained my mental stability :mad:Magura
  4. Magura


    I wouldn't be surprised, to see a peak down in the low twenties. I've seen something similar once, where a room next to was used, it had a funny peak around 23Hz.Magura :PEDIT: mass loading the cone was part of the trick as I recall
  5. Magura


    Something tells me, that the -3dB point could be somewhat low :PMagura
  6. As the title says, I have some naked Vishay MKP PP film capacitors for sale.This is just about the last word in film caps.I have two types, both have the same dimensions.Diameter 69mm, length 102mm52uF 690vAnd a few 163uF 690V40eur a piece for both types.Magura
  7. Magura


    When used in an application like this, I guess a car sub is actually pretty fit for the job.Magura
  8. Magura


    Magura had not noticed this thread :PThis is a very nice idea, but in your shoes (size 43 right?), I'd make a different grill for it. Do you have access to a laser cutter?If so, I have a nifty design for you.And thanks for the translation, much appreciated. Reading Serbian is real slow still.Magura
  9. Magura


    Naah, not quite. As you noticed earlier, I can still be tricked by translations, especially those I can't look up in a dictionary :)Magura
  10. Ma koji ti je ku*ac!S druge strane, im treba da se opuste treba.Magura
  11. Zdravo Vladimir,Gde si bre pi*da ti materina?Magura
  12. Make that 9 at this point Magura
  13. Well, that's about as high pace as I can obtain. It's surprisingly time consuming to assemble. Yesterday I mounted over 150 parts in total Magura
  14. NO!Me Sir, is allergic to F4 :thumbsup:Magura
  15. Yeah, like a piano Magura
  16. Look ma, it's twins Magura
  17. A peek inside, still lacking a few parts.Magura
  18. The downside of it all.Magura
  19. PSU coming to life.Magura
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