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Sve objavljeno od Magura

  1. Just in case anybody should wonder, how warm an Eskimo's ass is.Magura
  2. Yeah, it seems to be a good constellation Magura
  3. So today was the day. The fruit of very many hours of work, both by myself, but just as well by many of you, choky and Spalevski in particular.So, how does it sound? Hmm, compared to the F3, it leaves the F3 in the dust. Compared to a beefed up F3, still better in every aspect. Compared to choke loaded F3, something like it, but still a lot more natural, better low, and mid. The highs I remember as being mighty impressive on the choke loaded F3, and it's a long time ago since I had that amp, so hard to be sure.Fact is though that this is real good. Now after warming up for a couple of hours, it has reached the temperature of an Eskimo's ass.Magura
  4. Now I would like to know what you will use the LM371 for, which you have written on your PCB? :blackeye:Magura
  5. So, back to the usual battle with the Minolta camera.Here you can actually see what I was trying to show with the last pic.Magura
  6. This is what I got:http://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/Z1/Z1A.HTMSeems to me, that it's very close to the Canon S3, no?When you read the review, the phrase "easy to use" is used a lot....not making my life any easier though :)Magura
  7. I see that for sure, but trouble is to learn to use that damned camera :)All is good, when "automatic everything" works, when that is not the case, I'm lost, but my camera has all the features that one could ever ask for, counting out the fact, that they forgot to include a competent operator :)Magura
  8. It was an attempt to use the camera in my phone. I see, not a good idea when it's dark.Magura
  9. How I just love Christmas ....as it offers time for the important things in life, like building amps :)I finally got one of the boxes done, just lacking to mount the amp pcb, and the load inductors....it's getting there.Magura
  10. Magura

    Ubuntu 9.10 + USB DAC

    Ok, I have never gotten my music like that, so I can't help you there.I just stuff my system with cd's.Magura
  11. Magura

    Ubuntu 9.10 + USB DAC

    I'm not sure I understand what your problem is?I just load the music into the player, once and for all, and the player sorts it in different categories and so forth. Whatever format you want, you just pick.I find it hard to see what you have problems with. You talk about unpacking?? unpacking what? I never did so. Please explain. I think you're crossing the river to haul water.Magura
  12. Magura

    Ubuntu 9.10 + USB DAC

    Congratulations.You will be happy about this in the future, as next time is gonna be a walk in the park.Magura
  13. Magura

    Ubuntu 9.10 + USB DAC

    Yes, that I also would suggest. Tucan is somewhat handicapped compared to JDL.Magura
  14. Magura

    Ubuntu 9.10 + USB DAC

    Congratulations with your new "windows free" life. I trust you will enjoy it, just like the rest of us.Magura /Whom has not had windows on his machines for many years.
  15. Magura

    Ubuntu 9.10 + USB DAC

    Yes, it works just fine. You can play FLAK files through a number of players.Rythmbox is an easy solution, that works right out of the box.If you need a simple, well thought out CAD program, try Qcad. It's like Acad, just not as troublesome to work with.Magura
  16. Magura

    Ubuntu 9.10 + USB DAC

    I can't make myself spell my way through all this, but is you can outline the question in English, I may be able to help you, as I have set up a few Ubuntu 9.10 + USB dac by now.Magura
  17. I'm a master of pushing the green button Magura
  18. Got a link? It could be interesting to see. I somehow can't seem to find the model in question.Magura
  19. Oh, the Mrs. is actively participating in designing and so forth, so no problem there......but she has little (ok, none) tolerance towards open wires that are powered, or if she risks getting burned or shocked in general. Thanks There you go. It's not really a screwdriver, but a set of sockets for a socket wrench. The bolts serve their purpose well. They take up less space, than any other standard bolt type I know of, and can be tightened to their max anyway. The only drawback they have, is that they're fiddly to get the socket into, but not an issue for those few bolts. They wouldn't fly in an industrial situation, unless there were no other options.Magura
  20. I think you're not too far off. 0.5KW is about the limit for that case. That would be like 40C above ambient.Magura
  21. Thanks for the hint. Usually you'd be right -but not in this case. Less than 10C above ambient according to my calcs. So the copper strips would actually be cooling the Rifa's.This is not my usual approach, as you have noticed, but in this case, it's an amp that's gonna stay in the living room, and the Mrs. should preferably stay as well Magura
  22. Got around to make some phase plugs, just before Christmas.Some are aluminium, some are brass.Magura
  23. I got the capacitors mounted yesterday. It may look simple, but making 2 holes and 3 radius line up with 2 angles....by hand Magura
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