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1 hour ago, Kuja said:

Kao što vidiš ja sam se odlučio za LMS i Squeezelite 1.6.4

MPD mi je nekako naporan za duže slušanje, kobinacija LMS+Squeezelite je bila relaksiranija ali možda malo manje hirurški detaljna.

Ako engleski nije prepreka, ovde sam detaljno o tome diskutovao sa autorom SnakeOil-a:


Ta prepiska se odvijala pre nego što sam se poigrao sa USB-om na NUC-u, isključio sve konektore osim jednog i namestio u SnakeOil-u da mi USB ima real time prioritet.

Posle toga se i detaljnost sa Squeezelite-om poboljšala, tako da sada nemam razloga da se vraćam na MPD.

Evo i tih podešavanja:



Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 5.32.03 PM.jpg

Odlicne informacije, da li postoji opcija da se zakuca cpu freq i da li pravi neku razliku? Procitao sam negde da moze da poboljsa zvuk.

Znam da daphile ima tu opciju.



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4 hours ago, zek said:

@Kuja da li to sokoćalo pušta i native DSD fajlove (recimo 256)?

Ja sam puštao DSD fajlove izvučene iz SACD .iso fajla.

U pitanju je DSD64, 256 nisam probao.

Za to je potrebno instalirati DSDPlayer plugin u LMS, što je veoma lako uraditi direktno iz web interfejsa.

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4 hours ago, stefaca said:

Ogroman minus. Mora LAN. Ne vidi mi USB WiFi karticu. Mislim sredice se, ali ono ocekivao sam da barem to radi :(

Meni nije minus, i ranije sam sa SB Touch-om koristio kabl.

Da, to sam zaboravio, autor se nije bavio podrškom za WiFi, to ćeš morati sam da nabudžiš.

On je u fazonu da kabl bolje "svira" od bežičnog povezivanja i da ti WiFi ne treba. :)

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Posto je mene i moje potrebe ocito veoma tesko zadovoljiti resio da preskocim sva gotova rasenja i napravim svoje odnosno onako kako zelim. Dakle, Debian testing, minimum instalacija, bez GUI, MPD dignut, Topping zakacen i info kaze svoje. Jos da se podese sitnice i kontam bice to to. DAC se pali/gasi zajedno sa kompom sto mi se eto i svidja :D


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E da, zaboravio sam da prikažem i ovaj potencijalno važan tvik - podešavanje RAM buffer-a za Squeezelite:



U mom slučaju ukucana vrednost -b 2097152:2097152 znači da sam odvojio 4GB RAM-a za baferovanje muzike.

2GB idu za stream buffer, 2GB za output buffer.

Detaljno objašnjenje:


4. Squeezelite buffer settings

These buffer settings shouldn't be mixed up with the Alsa buffer settings under 3. that we just discussed!
The Alsa buffer is a system layer buffer that connects the OS-Audio layer with the audio HW.
The squeezelite buffers are application internal processing buffers. 

squeezelite offers two processing buffers 

  • the stream buffer
  • the output buffer (output from squeezelite >> Alsa system layer!)

How it works. 
squeezelite puts the received audio data stream taken from the OS network layer into 
the stream buffer first. The OS itself also has buffers for managing its network stack.
These are being used before the stream hits squeezelite.
Yep. There are plenty of buffers in such a chain. And all these buffers have an impact 
on the stream!
The squeezelite internal processing stages e.g. flac-pcm conversion or resampling 
will then be executed fed by the squeezelite streaming buffer content. 
The result - the "almost" fully processed data gets stored in the squeezelite output buffer.
The data will be stored at 32bit in that output buffer - always @ 32bit !
The two things that'll still happen after the data leaving the output buffer is 
  • the SW volume control
  • bit-depth adjustments according to the audio interface capabilities as reported by the driver.
If you look at above setup proposal, you'll notice the setting: 20000:500000. 
10000:300000 would also do. Basically your free RAM is the limit. The stream buffer can be kept
quite low. I tried larger values without seeing any difference.
That means we look at a 20MBytes stream buffer and a 500MByte output buffer.
Why is the output buffer that big? A typical 44.1/16 5min flac size counts a couple of MBs.
Fully processed it'll require more space. If you run a 15min 24/96 track you'd obviously need much more space. For DSD you better forget RAM buffering.
You can do the math if you like. However. Even @ 300MB there's usually plenty of space for most tracks.

What we actually do here, we configure a full-RAM playback scenario.
What happens with above setting is that squeezelite reads and bulk-processes the entire file
as soon as you push the PLAY button. That'll take just a few seconds for the entire track. 
You'll see a high peak load during these first couple of seconds of playback and then the fully processed file
is played back from the output/RAM buffer only! 
It's basically pretty much the same as if you'd put a .wav file on a RAM-disk.
There's no need to run .wav files or RAM disks! Some people still think that's the best way to achieve best performance. 
It IMO isn't. It used to be that way more then 10 years back. 
MPD (music player daemon) based streamers like Moode or Volumio doesn't offer - they can't - this great RAM 
playback feature! That's a pity!

A typical CPU load during RAM playback will be
around 0.3% on a 4B. If we'd run e.g. 10000:10000 you pretty much would see 3-5 times
higher continuous load during playback. A lot of hold-and-wait situations would drive
the load up on a realtime stream. 
As you can see this very well supports the overall project goal  of paving the road for the stream.

Note: For streaming services like Tidal, Qobuz etc., FullFile RAM playback doesn't work.
Just use 10000:20000 or similar.

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On 24.11.2020. at 9:43, stefaca reče

Da, da. U nasim slucajevima iza RPi je DAC. Zato i pitah iskustva i sa player-ima kakva je. Jer cuh da ima razlike. Barem citajuci po netu kazu da ima dosta razlika u zvuku samo zbog razlicitih player-a.

ja više nemam taj problem...od kad sam odvojio minus i plus pol sa DAC - ubacio feritna jezgra - ima u temi sa Dragonom...

a probao sam sve moguće sisteme i plejere...sve se približno isto čuje

dal pustio kroz Roon ili YouTube iz browsera sve je high-end - naravno ako je dovoljno dobar snimak svugde...

Čak i na nekim muzičkim pravcima za koje čovek misli da nema detalja (prirodnih) čujem detalje u detaljima. Od tehno preko hip-hopa, repa do hevi metala...

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pre 8 časa, Zen Mod reče




Takođe mi je nepoznanica kako će DAC da se ponaša zakačen na Iron - da li će još više detalja da izbija - ili će jednostavno samo nivo glasnoće da igra ulogu. Poboljšanje već ludačke separacije i prostora....(you) know what I mean

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Šta će ti pasiva kad možeš da napraviš da DAC nema dodirne tačke sa PC - sem kroz D+ i D-



imam SSD - ali kad slušam preko običnog HDD ne čujem kako motor drobi kroz masu...ne treba mi ni baferovanje kroz RAM više...

na svima naponima u kućištu DAC imam ferite

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