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  1. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from Eci in facelifting sistema "   
    samo da dodam
    I moja iskustva sa tim OB sto @skrstic spominje su ista da bass-a ima sasvim dovoljno, ali to nije za sve sobe i ta krilca sa strane tj njihova velicina dosta uticu na bass pa to ume da bude igranka bez prestanka, I on( nas drugar) je razmisljo o jos jednoj alfi ali na kraju odustao jer misli da nema potreba, sad kakav je zvuk Alfe to je druga prica, jer to nije hi fi zvucnik, nekome se svidja nekome ne. Ja mislim da Lowther zasluzuje drasticno kvalitetniji bass driver.
  2. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from Woland in Šta trenutno slušam . . .   
    Izuzetno izvodjenje 
    Spada u red jednih od najtezih dela za izvodjenje. Evo interesantan komentar : "  Pretty much all elite violinists agree that this piece by Tchaikowsky is the hardest piece of music to play, ever. Regardless of instrument, nothing comes close to the complexity of tchaikowsky´s work, it is said to be the pinnacle of human evolution. There are violinists who have been practicing the same piece of 20,000 hours in total and still say that they haven´t perfected it. Just to learn it on a basic level takes more than 10,000 hours, and thats for one piece of music. There´s a theory that says that it takes about 10,000 hours of practice to reach genetical perfection in anything you´re doing (playing soccer, football etc) but as for the violin, it is so complex that one piece of music alone can take that much time alone.
  3. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from 2a3 in Vladimir Shushurin interview   
    Kako na mnogo mesta pise i mnogo njegovih kolega iz celoga sveta smatra isto, da se radi o  jednim od najvecih konstruktora danasnjice sto se tice lampaskih pojacala. Da li je to tacno ja ne znam ali je interview vrlo interesantan pa sam samo zeleo da bude dostupan celoj nasoj zajednici (na forumu).
    (ne znam kako da se ceo clanak prikaze kao slika pa ako moze pomoc jer mislim da bi bilo lakse za upotrebu .)
    croatian magazine.pdf
  4. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from vladd in Vladimir Shushurin interview   
    Kako na mnogo mesta pise i mnogo njegovih kolega iz celoga sveta smatra isto, da se radi o  jednim od najvecih konstruktora danasnjice sto se tice lampaskih pojacala. Da li je to tacno ja ne znam ali je interview vrlo interesantan pa sam samo zeleo da bude dostupan celoj nasoj zajednici (na forumu).
    (ne znam kako da se ceo clanak prikaze kao slika pa ako moze pomoc jer mislim da bi bilo lakse za upotrebu .)
    croatian magazine.pdf
  5. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from Dual in Vladimir Shushurin interview   
    Kako na mnogo mesta pise i mnogo njegovih kolega iz celoga sveta smatra isto, da se radi o  jednim od najvecih konstruktora danasnjice sto se tice lampaskih pojacala. Da li je to tacno ja ne znam ali je interview vrlo interesantan pa sam samo zeleo da bude dostupan celoj nasoj zajednici (na forumu).
    (ne znam kako da se ceo clanak prikaze kao slika pa ako moze pomoc jer mislim da bi bilo lakse za upotrebu .)
    croatian magazine.pdf
  6. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from Zflazar in Vladimir Shushurin interview   
    Kako na mnogo mesta pise i mnogo njegovih kolega iz celoga sveta smatra isto, da se radi o  jednim od najvecih konstruktora danasnjice sto se tice lampaskih pojacala. Da li je to tacno ja ne znam ali je interview vrlo interesantan pa sam samo zeleo da bude dostupan celoj nasoj zajednici (na forumu).
    (ne znam kako da se ceo clanak prikaze kao slika pa ako moze pomoc jer mislim da bi bilo lakse za upotrebu .)
    croatian magazine.pdf
  7. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from silentbob in Šta trenutno slušam . . .   
    Covek ne snima jer na snimku ne moze da se uhvati taj trenutak same srzi muzike pa sve sto ima od snimaka je na you tubu.
    Sama sustina , mislim celokupan rad mu je fantastcan,  tek skoro sam otkrio .
    Ako nadjete vreme toplo preporucujem.
  8. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from ManicP in Šta trenutno slušam . . .   
    Covek ne snima jer na snimku ne moze da se uhvati taj trenutak same srzi muzike pa sve sto ima od snimaka je na you tubu.
    Sama sustina , mislim celokupan rad mu je fantastcan,  tek skoro sam otkrio .
    Ako nadjete vreme toplo preporucujem.
  9. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from Woland in Novopridosle skalamerije   
    Ovo je hobi matoraca ucesce omladinaca je svedeno na ispod 1procenat a matorci slabo cuju jer im je krstenica jelte pozutela pa kao da resimo problem.
    Matorac je kao i vecina audiophila ne tehnicke struke.
    Kako da prodamo matorcu spravu koja meri odlicne rezultate ali ih on ne cuje
    Kako ga ubediti da ipak kupi tu spravu na kraju, 
    Ubedjujuci ga da to zvuci odlicno, eto
    Matorac kupio spravu i dosao kuci i kaze zeni
    1. ova sprava odlicno se pokazala na merenju
    2. svidja mi se kako zvuci
    tacan odgovor je pod kojim rednim brojem.
    Naravno da treba meriti i meriti i meriti ali to rade oni koji nesto prave, proizvode , prepravljaju jednom recju oni koji se razumeju A kako ja da merim kad sam ja u onoj kategoriji koju vi (mislim vi svajseri ne vi licno) nazivate lekarima i advokatima moze da se uvaljuje oni se ne razumeju. Sta ako podaci napisani po instrumentima neko namerno podmetne, slaze, izmeni, sta onda a ja merno nepismen.......
    Elem ako moje uvo cuje sta mi vredi sto instrument kaze da ga nema kad ja cujem i obrnuto a i ono najbitnije instrumenti mere neke parametre ali ne mogu da izmere sve elemente zvuka koje covek dozivljava .
    Znaci mi koji smo duduci da merimo treba da se bavimo kukicenjem i goblenima. Karikiram naravno ali ono da se ne razumem u merenja i nemam aparaturu to je ozbiljno a 35 godina se "uspesno" bavim hi fi jem .
    Da ne zaboravim cak DIY selferi vise potenciraju uvo kad nesto naprave za finalno stelovanje, gde je tu instrument. To me podseca na one sto vode ortaka da cuje pa ako se ortaku svidi on to kupi za sebe. (ima svakakvih shvatanja)
    Mnogo bih imao da napisem ali nemam zivaca trenutno, izgorece mi rucak.
    Inace i mene iskljucivo zanima kako nesto zvuci za moje pojmove a koja je tehnologija, cena , koja je firma i slicno mi je sasvim sve jedno., jer mislim da je to jedini pravi pristup, ako me interesuje tehnologija to je kao da me interesuje da verujem i postujem samo jednu firmu ili samo jednog coveka, itd itd itd.
    I za kraj ako treba da se izvinem sto verujem svojim usima izvinucu se bilo kome jer ce tako ostati i to se sigurno nece promeniti . Moje usi kazu mome mozgu kome treba da dam pare kada nesto hocu da promenim u zvuku a onda se druzimo i raspravljamo gde sam pogresio po "vama" pa ako se slozim sa vama ja opet idem da kupujem nesto drugo. Inace kakav bi ja gramofonzija bio ako bih izostavio merenje sta cu onda za VTF, mislim moze na uvo ali nije bas precizno. tako da eto za kraj po treci put po malo od oba sveta, malo merenje malo uvo samo za razlicite ljude u lancu proizvodnja korisnik, pomirljivi tonovi i verovanje u bolji svet hahhaha . 
  10. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from Zflazar in Novopridosle skalamerije   
    Ovo je hobi matoraca ucesce omladinaca je svedeno na ispod 1procenat a matorci slabo cuju jer im je krstenica jelte pozutela pa kao da resimo problem.
    Matorac je kao i vecina audiophila ne tehnicke struke.
    Kako da prodamo matorcu spravu koja meri odlicne rezultate ali ih on ne cuje
    Kako ga ubediti da ipak kupi tu spravu na kraju, 
    Ubedjujuci ga da to zvuci odlicno, eto
    Matorac kupio spravu i dosao kuci i kaze zeni
    1. ova sprava odlicno se pokazala na merenju
    2. svidja mi se kako zvuci
    tacan odgovor je pod kojim rednim brojem.
    Naravno da treba meriti i meriti i meriti ali to rade oni koji nesto prave, proizvode , prepravljaju jednom recju oni koji se razumeju A kako ja da merim kad sam ja u onoj kategoriji koju vi (mislim vi svajseri ne vi licno) nazivate lekarima i advokatima moze da se uvaljuje oni se ne razumeju. Sta ako podaci napisani po instrumentima neko namerno podmetne, slaze, izmeni, sta onda a ja merno nepismen.......
    Elem ako moje uvo cuje sta mi vredi sto instrument kaze da ga nema kad ja cujem i obrnuto a i ono najbitnije instrumenti mere neke parametre ali ne mogu da izmere sve elemente zvuka koje covek dozivljava .
    Znaci mi koji smo duduci da merimo treba da se bavimo kukicenjem i goblenima. Karikiram naravno ali ono da se ne razumem u merenja i nemam aparaturu to je ozbiljno a 35 godina se "uspesno" bavim hi fi jem .
    Da ne zaboravim cak DIY selferi vise potenciraju uvo kad nesto naprave za finalno stelovanje, gde je tu instrument. To me podseca na one sto vode ortaka da cuje pa ako se ortaku svidi on to kupi za sebe. (ima svakakvih shvatanja)
    Mnogo bih imao da napisem ali nemam zivaca trenutno, izgorece mi rucak.
    Inace i mene iskljucivo zanima kako nesto zvuci za moje pojmove a koja je tehnologija, cena , koja je firma i slicno mi je sasvim sve jedno., jer mislim da je to jedini pravi pristup, ako me interesuje tehnologija to je kao da me interesuje da verujem i postujem samo jednu firmu ili samo jednog coveka, itd itd itd.
    I za kraj ako treba da se izvinem sto verujem svojim usima izvinucu se bilo kome jer ce tako ostati i to se sigurno nece promeniti . Moje usi kazu mome mozgu kome treba da dam pare kada nesto hocu da promenim u zvuku a onda se druzimo i raspravljamo gde sam pogresio po "vama" pa ako se slozim sa vama ja opet idem da kupujem nesto drugo. Inace kakav bi ja gramofonzija bio ako bih izostavio merenje sta cu onda za VTF, mislim moze na uvo ali nije bas precizno. tako da eto za kraj po treci put po malo od oba sveta, malo merenje malo uvo samo za razlicite ljude u lancu proizvodnja korisnik, pomirljivi tonovi i verovanje u bolji svet hahhaha . 
  11. Love
    Stradi je reagovao/la na Zflazar u Novopridosle skalamerije   
    izvini se lepo čoveku što voliš da sprave zvuče po tvom ukusu. Ti ako i nemaš sprave koje su u mernotehničkom smislu savršene za proizvodnju sinusoida i četvrtki barem imaš slušne preference.
    Gramofonske ploče, cevna preamplifikacija, singl end cevna pojačala su merno katastrofa, bez obzira na cenovnu kategoriju kad se uporede sa najnovijim digitalnim snimcima, pretvaračima, D klasa pojačalima, ma karastrofa.
    Pa opet su preživeli poslednjih 100 godina i imaju svoje poštovaoce.
    Da ne ispadne da sam digitalomrzitelj, da napomenem da sam slušao i ljuto dobar digitalni sistem ali je i tu kao i kod nedigitalnih glavni razlog dobrog zvuka bio rad, rad, rad i posvećenost materiji vlasnika sistema.
    Da rezimiram, boli me q*r*c od čega je napravljen sistem ako on zvuči dobro.
    Svi dobri sistemi mi zvuče slično dobro dok oni koji mi se ne dopadaju zvuče svaki na svoj način nedobro bez obzira dal imaju ili nemaju mundorfa u sebi.
  12. Love
    Stradi je reagovao/la na Zflazar u Novopridosle skalamerije   
    prozor je na istom mestu kao i sistem od ranije. I nisam menjao ni dioptriju
  13. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from Zflazar in Novopridosle skalamerije   
    Ok, sad je jasno. Zelim samo da dodam da kod naseg hobija praksa nije presudna za kvalitetno ocenjivanje  kod ovog hobija je presudno nesto sto malo ljudi ima ili bar zeli da pokaze a to se zove objektivnost. Ali mi nas hobi volimo zbog svih njegovin vrlina i mana i svega onoga sto smo uz njega doziveli i sto cemo tek dozivet a u to ulazi i najcesce manjak te fatalne objektivnosti ali kamo srece da nje manjka samo u nasem hobiju gde bi covecanstvu bio kraj.
    To oko slusanja, verovanja , sebi, drugima, objektivnosti, licemerstvu, ljubomori i ko zna cemu jos ostalog medju audiofilima je interesantna ali siroka tema koju mozda neko pokrene jednoga dana pa cemo onda nastaviti ovu nasu malu prepisku.., do tad i ja moram da odmorim glavu jer mi je razno razni ljudi cerece po citav dan na sve strane sveta a rekao bi covek ja radim bez prisustva masina. Mene opusta muzuika ali me ponekad opusta i samo gledanje u moje uredjaje, bitno je da se opustamo, zar ne. 
    Za kraj i da se nasalimo inace cemu zivot ako i uvece treba da budemo ozbiljni kao pre podne.
    Sreca da mi zena radi onda kada sam ja kod kuce inace bi bilo kao brusilicu da imam u sobi . (a ja imam dobru zenu, sta je sa onima koji imaju tesku neku saputnicu).
  14. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from Zflazar in Novopridosle skalamerije   
    Sad vec moram da repliciram, ako se vise uzdas u uredjaje za merenje pa jer to posle slusaju merni instrumenti ili tvoje usi, ko tu treba da bude zadovoljan. Malo mi je nelogicno (mnogo ne malo) da se bavim ovim hobijem gde je uvo glavni organ za merilo kvaliteta a da ne verujem tom mom uvetu, ne tudjem nego mom. Mislim da je moje stanoviste vise nego jasno jer ja suprotno smatram apsurdnim a sve u kontekstu naseg hobija , opsesije kako god.
  15. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from Eci in Novopridosle skalamerije   
    To nije glava za tu rucku na tom gramofonu ali ako malo otezas headshell dobices nesto bolje rezultate i malo van standardnog stelovanja i svira ce u granicama svega sto sam vec napisao jer svaka stvar pa i 103 ima fizicka ogranicenja preko kojih se ne moze. I Grozni bi da ima 22 al nema i tu oklagija ne pomaze.
    Salu na stranu , ako otezas headshell i podesis nju  da joj VTA bude bar 2mm iznad paralele svirace ti kao da je to rucka pravljena za nju.
  16. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from zerowaf in Trenutno na gramofonu ...   
    HOĆEMO KOD MENE DA SLUŠAMO PLOČE? Autor: http://, http://yugovinyl.blogspot.com“, Toplička 35
    7.”Good Times“, Dalmatinska 74, nastavak dugogodišnje Berze ploča u SKC-u
  17. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from Woland in Trenutno na gramofonu ...   
    HOĆEMO KOD MENE DA SLUŠAMO PLOČE? Autor: http://, http://yugovinyl.blogspot.com“, Toplička 35
    7.”Good Times“, Dalmatinska 74, nastavak dugogodišnje Berze ploča u SKC-u
  18. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from Zflazar in Trenutno na gramofonu ...   
    HOĆEMO KOD MENE DA SLUŠAMO PLOČE? Autor: http://, http://yugovinyl.blogspot.com“, Toplička 35
    7.”Good Times“, Dalmatinska 74, nastavak dugogodišnje Berze ploča u SKC-u
  19. Love
    Stradi je reagovao/la na John Coltrane u Sav Taj Jazz !   
  20. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from Zflazar in Nasi u svetu , Gramofon   
    Good vibrations: From designing ships to making turntables
        "I think every home should have a turntable," says Igor Gligorov. "The world would be a better place."
    His enthusiasm is perhaps understandable, because as the founder of boutique hi-fi brand Soulines, Igor certainly has a stake in the issue.
    But whatever he thinks about their desirability, there isn't a huge market out there for the old-fashioned record players where you lower a needle onto pressed vinyl discs.
    The vast majority of people have embraced the low cost and convenience of digital music.
    The four-year-old company has only just started making a profit and it is Igor's enthusiasm for for music, design and creativity that is keeping him going.
    "I started to play cello when I was five," he tells me.
    "As a teenager I discovered punk - and there, everything started: a passion for a different kind of music. Then my passion for high quality hi-fi equipment developed and slowly this passion became the main thing in my life."
    Hand-assembledSoulines makes just five different models, with a real emphasis on design; crafted for specialist buyers, it is a far cry from the days when vinyl ruled the roost and turntables were mass-produced for the general market.
    The most traditional in appearance is the Dostoyevsky with a split wooden plinth, others are deliberately futuristic - such as the flagship Kubrick model, inspired by the space station in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.
    Image captionIgor Gligorov has made his passion for music his businessThey can cost up to $3,800 (£2,500) and are sold in 12 countries. Igor assembles each one by hand - mass-production it's not. He's sold 40 units this year - double what he achieved last year.
    Before turning his hand to record players, he studied ship design in Belgrade. You might think the study of shipbuilding would have little to do with producing turntables, but Igor disagrees.
    "Designing a ship and designing a turntable are similar - both are based on vibration control," he says.
    "A turntable just has much smaller vibrations - coming from the motor, platter and bearing."
    He started by building recycled turntables for his friends using scavenged parts. It was done mainly for love, but it sparked the idea that would eventually become Soulines.
    He launched the company in 2011 with $6,500 from family savings.
    Vinyl revivalTheory is one thing, but the true test of a turntable only comes when the stylus hits the groove.
    The set-up in Igor's listening room seems modest - a small pair of British-made Monitor Audio speakers, a tiny Trends digital amplifier from China and a self-made phono-stage amp to boost the signal from the Dostoyevsky.
    Image captionGlobal sales of vinyl are increasingThe test record is a red, gold and green pressing of the Bob Marley compilation, Legend. And from the opening metallic drum volley of Is This Love, the sound fills the room - each of the instruments and voices coming through distinct and clear.
    It is enough to convince even a Marley sceptic that perhaps there was a good reason behind this becoming reggae's biggest-selling album.
    The revival of interest in music on vinyl is morphing from a minority pursuit to a more mainstream activity, as LPs return to not just specialised retailers but even supermarket shelves.
    "Digital technology has made a full circle," says Igor. "The CD format is dying, if you can store hundreds of albums on your mobile phone then who needs a CD?"
    "Vinyl is different, it's like books. If you have something tangible, you can connect with it.
    "It's very difficult to connect with digital data. Young people are experiencing a new thing - a new perspective on listening to music," he says.
    Image captionThe shift to digital sent many turntables to the scrapheap Niche marketThe International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), which represents the world music industry, says that vinyl has seen a surge in interest in the last few years.
    "It's not just in the UK and the US," says the IFPI's Adrian Strain. "Sales are growing fast in Holland and Scandinavia and more and more countries are launching their own vinyl charts."
    Yet that doesn't mean we'll all be dusting off those 45s and 33s.
    While vinyl sales went up 54% in 2014, the IFPI says that still only accounts for 2% of money spent on recorded music.
    Vinyl is always going to be a niche market," says Adrian, "but it really has caught the imagination of music fans, and not just the older generation.
    "There are many younger fans who have discovered that records, beautiful album covers and turntables are really cool."
    Image captionIgor assembles all his turntables by hand Supply problemsWhile the revival of interest in vinyl has presented an opportunity for new firms like Soulines, there are still supply problems. Igor sources the majority of his materials in Serbia but finds that once an item goes out of stock, there is no guarantee it will return.
    He currently spends much of his time chasing up the workshops which custom-make the aluminium, acrylic and wooden parts to his specifications before taking care of final assembly himself.
    "Maybe I will try to relocate production into a system that works normally so I can work more on design and marketing," he says.
    "I can say I'm proud to get international promotion and acceptance from people all around the world.
    "My ambitions are normal - I don't want to get a Ferrari from this business. I want to manufacture more and more high-quality turntables."
      link izvora    http://www.bbc.com/news/business-35041053
  21. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from davor in Nasi u svetu , Gramofon   
    Good vibrations: From designing ships to making turntables
        "I think every home should have a turntable," says Igor Gligorov. "The world would be a better place."
    His enthusiasm is perhaps understandable, because as the founder of boutique hi-fi brand Soulines, Igor certainly has a stake in the issue.
    But whatever he thinks about their desirability, there isn't a huge market out there for the old-fashioned record players where you lower a needle onto pressed vinyl discs.
    The vast majority of people have embraced the low cost and convenience of digital music.
    The four-year-old company has only just started making a profit and it is Igor's enthusiasm for for music, design and creativity that is keeping him going.
    "I started to play cello when I was five," he tells me.
    "As a teenager I discovered punk - and there, everything started: a passion for a different kind of music. Then my passion for high quality hi-fi equipment developed and slowly this passion became the main thing in my life."
    Hand-assembledSoulines makes just five different models, with a real emphasis on design; crafted for specialist buyers, it is a far cry from the days when vinyl ruled the roost and turntables were mass-produced for the general market.
    The most traditional in appearance is the Dostoyevsky with a split wooden plinth, others are deliberately futuristic - such as the flagship Kubrick model, inspired by the space station in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.
    Image captionIgor Gligorov has made his passion for music his businessThey can cost up to $3,800 (£2,500) and are sold in 12 countries. Igor assembles each one by hand - mass-production it's not. He's sold 40 units this year - double what he achieved last year.
    Before turning his hand to record players, he studied ship design in Belgrade. You might think the study of shipbuilding would have little to do with producing turntables, but Igor disagrees.
    "Designing a ship and designing a turntable are similar - both are based on vibration control," he says.
    "A turntable just has much smaller vibrations - coming from the motor, platter and bearing."
    He started by building recycled turntables for his friends using scavenged parts. It was done mainly for love, but it sparked the idea that would eventually become Soulines.
    He launched the company in 2011 with $6,500 from family savings.
    Vinyl revivalTheory is one thing, but the true test of a turntable only comes when the stylus hits the groove.
    The set-up in Igor's listening room seems modest - a small pair of British-made Monitor Audio speakers, a tiny Trends digital amplifier from China and a self-made phono-stage amp to boost the signal from the Dostoyevsky.
    Image captionGlobal sales of vinyl are increasingThe test record is a red, gold and green pressing of the Bob Marley compilation, Legend. And from the opening metallic drum volley of Is This Love, the sound fills the room - each of the instruments and voices coming through distinct and clear.
    It is enough to convince even a Marley sceptic that perhaps there was a good reason behind this becoming reggae's biggest-selling album.
    The revival of interest in music on vinyl is morphing from a minority pursuit to a more mainstream activity, as LPs return to not just specialised retailers but even supermarket shelves.
    "Digital technology has made a full circle," says Igor. "The CD format is dying, if you can store hundreds of albums on your mobile phone then who needs a CD?"
    "Vinyl is different, it's like books. If you have something tangible, you can connect with it.
    "It's very difficult to connect with digital data. Young people are experiencing a new thing - a new perspective on listening to music," he says.
    Image captionThe shift to digital sent many turntables to the scrapheap Niche marketThe International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), which represents the world music industry, says that vinyl has seen a surge in interest in the last few years.
    "It's not just in the UK and the US," says the IFPI's Adrian Strain. "Sales are growing fast in Holland and Scandinavia and more and more countries are launching their own vinyl charts."
    Yet that doesn't mean we'll all be dusting off those 45s and 33s.
    While vinyl sales went up 54% in 2014, the IFPI says that still only accounts for 2% of money spent on recorded music.
    Vinyl is always going to be a niche market," says Adrian, "but it really has caught the imagination of music fans, and not just the older generation.
    "There are many younger fans who have discovered that records, beautiful album covers and turntables are really cool."
    Image captionIgor assembles all his turntables by hand Supply problemsWhile the revival of interest in vinyl has presented an opportunity for new firms like Soulines, there are still supply problems. Igor sources the majority of his materials in Serbia but finds that once an item goes out of stock, there is no guarantee it will return.
    He currently spends much of his time chasing up the workshops which custom-make the aluminium, acrylic and wooden parts to his specifications before taking care of final assembly himself.
    "Maybe I will try to relocate production into a system that works normally so I can work more on design and marketing," he says.
    "I can say I'm proud to get international promotion and acceptance from people all around the world.
    "My ambitions are normal - I don't want to get a Ferrari from this business. I want to manufacture more and more high-quality turntables."
      link izvora    http://www.bbc.com/news/business-35041053
  22. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from Ras in Nasi u svetu , Gramofon   
    Good vibrations: From designing ships to making turntables
        "I think every home should have a turntable," says Igor Gligorov. "The world would be a better place."
    His enthusiasm is perhaps understandable, because as the founder of boutique hi-fi brand Soulines, Igor certainly has a stake in the issue.
    But whatever he thinks about their desirability, there isn't a huge market out there for the old-fashioned record players where you lower a needle onto pressed vinyl discs.
    The vast majority of people have embraced the low cost and convenience of digital music.
    The four-year-old company has only just started making a profit and it is Igor's enthusiasm for for music, design and creativity that is keeping him going.
    "I started to play cello when I was five," he tells me.
    "As a teenager I discovered punk - and there, everything started: a passion for a different kind of music. Then my passion for high quality hi-fi equipment developed and slowly this passion became the main thing in my life."
    Hand-assembledSoulines makes just five different models, with a real emphasis on design; crafted for specialist buyers, it is a far cry from the days when vinyl ruled the roost and turntables were mass-produced for the general market.
    The most traditional in appearance is the Dostoyevsky with a split wooden plinth, others are deliberately futuristic - such as the flagship Kubrick model, inspired by the space station in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.
    Image captionIgor Gligorov has made his passion for music his businessThey can cost up to $3,800 (£2,500) and are sold in 12 countries. Igor assembles each one by hand - mass-production it's not. He's sold 40 units this year - double what he achieved last year.
    Before turning his hand to record players, he studied ship design in Belgrade. You might think the study of shipbuilding would have little to do with producing turntables, but Igor disagrees.
    "Designing a ship and designing a turntable are similar - both are based on vibration control," he says.
    "A turntable just has much smaller vibrations - coming from the motor, platter and bearing."
    He started by building recycled turntables for his friends using scavenged parts. It was done mainly for love, but it sparked the idea that would eventually become Soulines.
    He launched the company in 2011 with $6,500 from family savings.
    Vinyl revivalTheory is one thing, but the true test of a turntable only comes when the stylus hits the groove.
    The set-up in Igor's listening room seems modest - a small pair of British-made Monitor Audio speakers, a tiny Trends digital amplifier from China and a self-made phono-stage amp to boost the signal from the Dostoyevsky.
    Image captionGlobal sales of vinyl are increasingThe test record is a red, gold and green pressing of the Bob Marley compilation, Legend. And from the opening metallic drum volley of Is This Love, the sound fills the room - each of the instruments and voices coming through distinct and clear.
    It is enough to convince even a Marley sceptic that perhaps there was a good reason behind this becoming reggae's biggest-selling album.
    The revival of interest in music on vinyl is morphing from a minority pursuit to a more mainstream activity, as LPs return to not just specialised retailers but even supermarket shelves.
    "Digital technology has made a full circle," says Igor. "The CD format is dying, if you can store hundreds of albums on your mobile phone then who needs a CD?"
    "Vinyl is different, it's like books. If you have something tangible, you can connect with it.
    "It's very difficult to connect with digital data. Young people are experiencing a new thing - a new perspective on listening to music," he says.
    Image captionThe shift to digital sent many turntables to the scrapheap Niche marketThe International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), which represents the world music industry, says that vinyl has seen a surge in interest in the last few years.
    "It's not just in the UK and the US," says the IFPI's Adrian Strain. "Sales are growing fast in Holland and Scandinavia and more and more countries are launching their own vinyl charts."
    Yet that doesn't mean we'll all be dusting off those 45s and 33s.
    While vinyl sales went up 54% in 2014, the IFPI says that still only accounts for 2% of money spent on recorded music.
    Vinyl is always going to be a niche market," says Adrian, "but it really has caught the imagination of music fans, and not just the older generation.
    "There are many younger fans who have discovered that records, beautiful album covers and turntables are really cool."
    Image captionIgor assembles all his turntables by hand Supply problemsWhile the revival of interest in vinyl has presented an opportunity for new firms like Soulines, there are still supply problems. Igor sources the majority of his materials in Serbia but finds that once an item goes out of stock, there is no guarantee it will return.
    He currently spends much of his time chasing up the workshops which custom-make the aluminium, acrylic and wooden parts to his specifications before taking care of final assembly himself.
    "Maybe I will try to relocate production into a system that works normally so I can work more on design and marketing," he says.
    "I can say I'm proud to get international promotion and acceptance from people all around the world.
    "My ambitions are normal - I don't want to get a Ferrari from this business. I want to manufacture more and more high-quality turntables."
      link izvora    http://www.bbc.com/news/business-35041053
  23. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from Aleks in Nasi u svetu , Gramofon   
    Good vibrations: From designing ships to making turntables
        "I think every home should have a turntable," says Igor Gligorov. "The world would be a better place."
    His enthusiasm is perhaps understandable, because as the founder of boutique hi-fi brand Soulines, Igor certainly has a stake in the issue.
    But whatever he thinks about their desirability, there isn't a huge market out there for the old-fashioned record players where you lower a needle onto pressed vinyl discs.
    The vast majority of people have embraced the low cost and convenience of digital music.
    The four-year-old company has only just started making a profit and it is Igor's enthusiasm for for music, design and creativity that is keeping him going.
    "I started to play cello when I was five," he tells me.
    "As a teenager I discovered punk - and there, everything started: a passion for a different kind of music. Then my passion for high quality hi-fi equipment developed and slowly this passion became the main thing in my life."
    Hand-assembledSoulines makes just five different models, with a real emphasis on design; crafted for specialist buyers, it is a far cry from the days when vinyl ruled the roost and turntables were mass-produced for the general market.
    The most traditional in appearance is the Dostoyevsky with a split wooden plinth, others are deliberately futuristic - such as the flagship Kubrick model, inspired by the space station in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.
    Image captionIgor Gligorov has made his passion for music his businessThey can cost up to $3,800 (£2,500) and are sold in 12 countries. Igor assembles each one by hand - mass-production it's not. He's sold 40 units this year - double what he achieved last year.
    Before turning his hand to record players, he studied ship design in Belgrade. You might think the study of shipbuilding would have little to do with producing turntables, but Igor disagrees.
    "Designing a ship and designing a turntable are similar - both are based on vibration control," he says.
    "A turntable just has much smaller vibrations - coming from the motor, platter and bearing."
    He started by building recycled turntables for his friends using scavenged parts. It was done mainly for love, but it sparked the idea that would eventually become Soulines.
    He launched the company in 2011 with $6,500 from family savings.
    Vinyl revivalTheory is one thing, but the true test of a turntable only comes when the stylus hits the groove.
    The set-up in Igor's listening room seems modest - a small pair of British-made Monitor Audio speakers, a tiny Trends digital amplifier from China and a self-made phono-stage amp to boost the signal from the Dostoyevsky.
    Image captionGlobal sales of vinyl are increasingThe test record is a red, gold and green pressing of the Bob Marley compilation, Legend. And from the opening metallic drum volley of Is This Love, the sound fills the room - each of the instruments and voices coming through distinct and clear.
    It is enough to convince even a Marley sceptic that perhaps there was a good reason behind this becoming reggae's biggest-selling album.
    The revival of interest in music on vinyl is morphing from a minority pursuit to a more mainstream activity, as LPs return to not just specialised retailers but even supermarket shelves.
    "Digital technology has made a full circle," says Igor. "The CD format is dying, if you can store hundreds of albums on your mobile phone then who needs a CD?"
    "Vinyl is different, it's like books. If you have something tangible, you can connect with it.
    "It's very difficult to connect with digital data. Young people are experiencing a new thing - a new perspective on listening to music," he says.
    Image captionThe shift to digital sent many turntables to the scrapheap Niche marketThe International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), which represents the world music industry, says that vinyl has seen a surge in interest in the last few years.
    "It's not just in the UK and the US," says the IFPI's Adrian Strain. "Sales are growing fast in Holland and Scandinavia and more and more countries are launching their own vinyl charts."
    Yet that doesn't mean we'll all be dusting off those 45s and 33s.
    While vinyl sales went up 54% in 2014, the IFPI says that still only accounts for 2% of money spent on recorded music.
    Vinyl is always going to be a niche market," says Adrian, "but it really has caught the imagination of music fans, and not just the older generation.
    "There are many younger fans who have discovered that records, beautiful album covers and turntables are really cool."
    Image captionIgor assembles all his turntables by hand Supply problemsWhile the revival of interest in vinyl has presented an opportunity for new firms like Soulines, there are still supply problems. Igor sources the majority of his materials in Serbia but finds that once an item goes out of stock, there is no guarantee it will return.
    He currently spends much of his time chasing up the workshops which custom-make the aluminium, acrylic and wooden parts to his specifications before taking care of final assembly himself.
    "Maybe I will try to relocate production into a system that works normally so I can work more on design and marketing," he says.
    "I can say I'm proud to get international promotion and acceptance from people all around the world.
    "My ambitions are normal - I don't want to get a Ferrari from this business. I want to manufacture more and more high-quality turntables."
      link izvora    http://www.bbc.com/news/business-35041053
  24. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from vladd in Sav Taj Jazz !   
    I za one koji ga obozavaju kao ja (mada ovde bubnjar dominira sa neverovatno precizni ritmom)

    C Jam Blues" is a jazz standard composed in 1942 by Duke Ellington and performed by countless other musicians, such as Dave Grusin, Django Reinhardt,Oscar Peterson, and Charles Mingus. As the title suggests, the piece follows a twelve-bar blues form in the key of C major. (wikipedija)
  25. Love
    Stradi got a reaction from vladd in Sav Taj Jazz !   
    Po mnogima jedno od najboljih izvodjenja numere Round Midnight

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