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Pod pretpostavkom da odlucim da menjam kutije (a niej iskljuceno i opet bih iste pravio), zanimaju me vasa misljenja za kojeg proizvodjaca zvucnoka se odluciti (a da niej visaton). Mozda bih se ovaj put odlucio za dvosistemce, ali morali bi u basu da idu ispod 30Hz i eventualno da budu kompresione kutije.( Moje prve kutije bile su kompresione, poklonio sam ih. Zao mi je sto sluze kao stalkovi za cvece, a neprijatno mi je da ih trazim nazad. Za deciju sobu od deset kvadrata, savrsene).Zamolio bih forumase sa iskustvom i tehnckim znanjem da odgovore, ukoliko neko zeli.

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Aktivni članovi u ovoj temi

Aktivni članovi u ovoj temi

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Kompresija, ispod 30Hz, biće zanimljivo.Ja bih preporučio druženje, odlazak na što više mesta gde se može čuti nešto novo. Pre nego se novac nepovratno baci na nešto što baš nije po ukusu. Mene su kupili elektrostatici, potom i ja njih, ali ništa dok se ne posluša. Mora da postoji sinergija kako između komponenti u sistemu, sistema i prostorije, tako i između slušača i opreme... Dakle, poslušati i fullrange, i open baffle, i bas refleks i kompresije, i velike i male, i skupe i jeftine... tek posle toga razmišljati o nekom pravcu, iznosu, firmi, gabaritima... Pare u međuvremenu brižno skrivati i od samog sebe (što u ovoj zemlji i u ovo vreme i nije baš ni teško...)

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Kompresija, ispod 30Hz, biće zanimljivo.Ja bih preporučio druženje, odlazak na što više mesta gde se može čuti nešto novo. Pre nego se novac nepovratno baci na nešto što baš nije po ukusu. Mene su kupili elektrostatici, potom i ja njih, ali ništa dok se ne posluša. Mora da postoji sinergija kako između komponenti u sistemu, sistema i prostorije, tako i između slušača i opreme... Dakle, poslušati i fullrange, i open baffle, i bas refleks i kompresije, i velike i male, i skupe i jeftine... tek posle toga razmišljati o nekom pravcu, iznosu, firmi, gabaritima... Pare u međuvremenu brižno skrivati i od samog sebe (što u ovoj zemlji i u ovo vreme i nije baš ni teško...)

staviti na papir ovakav plan i program - tako ja radim - napraviti audio beleznicu/kuvar/dnevnik.to sam video pre 2000 godine od jednog lika u klubu Audiofila - mnogo je dobra fora. :good2:lik je imao cak i polepljene slike/fotografije uredjaja u svesci - znachi fanatik :sarcastic_hand: slusati pisati sta je slusano i obavezno zapisivati sta koje karakteristike, kako svira koliko kosta - polovno - novo - pravljeno - fabricki - licne impresije - sta kaze vlasnik/prodavac - sta se culo svojim usima.zakljucak ce doci sam a sveska bar ne kosta mnogo :drinks:
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Kompresija, ispod 30Hz, biće zanimljivo.Ja bih preporučio druženje, odlazak na što više mesta gde se može čuti nešto novo. Pre nego se novac nepovratno baci na nešto što baš nije po ukusu. Mene su kupili elektrostatici, potom i ja njih, ali ništa dok se ne posluša. Mora da postoji sinergija kako između komponenti u sistemu, sistema i prostorije, tako i između slušača i opreme... Dakle, poslušati i fullrange, i open baffle, i bas refleks i kompresije, i velike i male, i skupe i jeftine... tek posle toga razmišljati o nekom pravcu, iznosu, firmi, gabaritima... Pare u međuvremenu brižno skrivati i od samog sebe (što u ovoj zemlji i u ovo vreme i nije baš ni teško...)

‚fantastičan post!!!bravo stein!
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staviti na papir ovakav plan i program - tako ja radim - napraviti audio beleznicu/kuvar/dnevnik.to sam video pre 2000 godine od jednog lika u klubu Audiofila - mnogo je dobra fora. :good2:lik je imao cak i polepljene slike/fotografije uredjaja u svesci - znachi fanatik :sarcastic_hand: slusati pisati sta je slusano i obavezno zapisivati sta koje karakteristike, kako svira koliko kosta - polovno - novo - pravljeno - fabricki - licne impresije - sta kaze vlasnik/prodavac - sta se culo svojim usima.zakljucak ce doci sam a sveska bar ne kosta mnogo :drinks:

takvog lika sam ja video jednom u dayensudoneo je svoju amplifikaciju, tražio da se priključe određene kutije, ubacio svoj cd i stalno nešto pisaomenjao pesme, ćutao i pisao...šta? pojma nemam.nije bio pričljiv, ali je puštao fantastičnu muziku...isključivo bootleg snimke.miko, ti li si bio?
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‚fantastičan post!!!bravo stein!

Što bi rekli, meni, i svima kojima sam dao ovakav savet, na kraju se isplatilo; minimum rizika, maksimum druženja i uživanja, i na kraju, i zadovoljstvo odabirom...Kao i u saobraćaju, pravilo nad pravilima: prilagoditi vožnju uslovima na putu...:hi:
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Kao i u saobraćaju, pravilo nad pravilima: prilagoditi vožnju uslovima na putu...

Prilagoditi trafo veličini kažiprsta...Izvini, nisam izdržao...
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There is no difference between far and near.

Perspective is all

A mountain and a rock that falls from its incline

Are shaped by the same forces

Separated only by scale

And the attentions of the observer.

I keep this in mind as I unravel my work

And tear it down to its component thread.

Today’s design was a masterpiece

Hours of planning and execution

Done in by a casual pull at the end of the day.

It is no matter.

The action is lost in the larger picture of things

Today’s destruction a building block

For a greater work.

Down the hall voices call to me

Insistent suitors demand my presence.

Soon enough I will join them

Some honest enough, others something less

They will ask about the progress of my work

And I will tell them that it remains unfinished.

We will not be talking of the same work

But it is no matter.

There is no difference between far and near.

Perspective is all.


I don’t know whether to blame you or your stupid war.

It is easiest to blame the war

The insistent beating drum

The pretense of noble purpose

Masking a banality so insipid

As to stagger the observer.

But you were always one of the best

Not the strongest, but the smartest

Not forceful, but with a craft

That became its own definition.

You, who upstaged ten years of anguish

With one night and a gift.

You are magnificent

A prize for poets.

It’s hard to understand how one of your talents

Has managed to stay from me for so long.

I imagined your return so soon after your victory

A homecoming which would shine to the heavens

Pure in emotion and joy.

Yet now you are as far away as when you began

Your arrival a distant dream

Your homecoming unfulfilled.

Your war is over

But you are not home

If there is blame

It is yours.

But it is no matter.

It makes no sense to talk of blame

When circumstances rule the day

No sense for anger

When chance plots your course

Whatever mysteries you hide from me

I know your heart.

Your homecoming lives there

Waiting to come true.

It lives in my heart too

Two views of the same moment

Two dreams with the same end.


My suitors engage me in idle banter.

I am sometimes painted as a noble sufferer

enduring unwanted attentions

But in truth, I enjoy the diversions

My suitors entertain me, amuse me

And no few arouse me

Their endless chatter every now and then

Showing promise of something greater

Of depths that dare to be plumbed.

They appear worthy suitors

And indeed some of them are

But there is not one

Who shines so bright as to dim your memory.

The curves of their arms and legs

Call to mind your own sweet body

Their lips and eyes

Bring your own gentle face

Your voice

Calls distantly from their throats.

Every one that comes to me

To cajole, whisper or impress

Becomes a window

Through which I see you.

I smile frequently when I am with my suitors

And they smile back, convinced that the pleasure in my eyes

Is brought by their form.

But it is not them I see.

Perspective is all.


My work is now unraveled

And my intentions secure for another day.

Tomorrow I will create another

And unravel it, each tomorrow

Until you return to my shore.

It is a difficult task

Building a creation from which

All that is seen is its daily destruction.

It is a work that only I can see

Its completion something only I desire.

It is no matter.

There is no difference between far and near

Perspective is all.

Perhaps from the distance where you are

You can see my larger work.

Use it as your beacon

And have your homecoming at last.


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There is no difference between far and near.

Perspective is all

A mountain and a rock that falls from its incline

Are shaped by the same forces

Separated only by scale

And the attentions of the observer.

I keep this in mind as I unravel my work

And tear it down to its component thread.

Today’s design was a masterpiece

Hours of planning and execution

Done in by a casual pull at the end of the day.

It is no matter.

The action is lost in the larger picture of things

Today’s destruction a building block

For a greater work.

Down the hall voices call to me

Insistent suitors demand my presence.

Soon enough I will join them

Some honest enough, others something less

They will ask about the progress of my work

And I will tell them that it remains unfinished.

We will not be talking of the same work

But it is no matter.

There is no difference between far and near.

Perspective is all.


I don’t know whether to blame you or your stupid war.

It is easiest to blame the war

The insistent beating drum

The pretense of noble purpose

Masking a banality so insipid

As to stagger the observer.

But you were always one of the best

Not the strongest, but the smartest

Not forceful, but with a craft

That became its own definition.

You, who upstaged ten years of anguish

With one night and a gift.

You are magnificent

A prize for poets.

It’s hard to understand how one of your talents

Has managed to stay from me for so long.

I imagined your return so soon after your victory

A homecoming which would shine to the heavens

Pure in emotion and joy.

Yet now you are as far away as when you began

Your arrival a distant dream

Your homecoming unfulfilled.

Your war is over

But you are not home

If there is blame

It is yours.

But it is no matter.

It makes no sense to talk of blame

When circumstances rule the day

No sense for anger

When chance plots your course

Whatever mysteries you hide from me

I know your heart.

Your homecoming lives there

Waiting to come true.

It lives in my heart too

Two views of the same moment

Two dreams with the same end.


My suitors engage me in idle banter.

I am sometimes painted as a noble sufferer

enduring unwanted attentions

But in truth, I enjoy the diversions

My suitors entertain me, amuse me

And no few arouse me

Their endless chatter every now and then

Showing promise of something greater

Of depths that dare to be plumbed.

They appear worthy suitors

And indeed some of them are

But there is not one

Who shines so bright as to dim your memory.

The curves of their arms and legs

Call to mind your own sweet body

Their lips and eyes

Bring your own gentle face

Your voice

Calls distantly from their throats.

Every one that comes to me

To cajole, whisper or impress

Becomes a window

Through which I see you.

I smile frequently when I am with my suitors

And they smile back, convinced that the pleasure in my eyes

Is brought by their form.

But it is not them I see.

Perspective is all.


My work is now unraveled

And my intentions secure for another day.

Tomorrow I will create another

And unravel it, each tomorrow

Until you return to my shore.

It is a difficult task

Building a creation from which

All that is seen is its daily destruction.

It is a work that only I can see

Its completion something only I desire.

It is no matter.

There is no difference between far and near

Perspective is all.

Perhaps from the distance where you are

You can see my larger work.

Use it as your beacon

And have your homecoming at last.


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Malo je nezgodno setati pojacalo tamo-vamo, mada ima smisla u tome sto kazete.

Kad god se može, slušati u svom prostoru. Jeftinije je doneti kutije, poslušati i vratiti ih odakle su došle nego ih platiti pa posle patiti. Važi za sve.
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  • 4 nedelje kasnije...

[Nešto mi se čini ovako na daljinu da na njima .....klasika i jazz na prvom mestu, bluz, naravno (R. Brown, M. Aleksander, I. Quebeck, S. Getz, L. Almeida, J. Pass, L. Bonfa, L. Hopkins, T. Evans ...itd ...).. ne mogu zvučat da valja naročito ne u paru sa EL34

***Moram ti reci da gresis!
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Nisam imao prilike da slušam Experience V20, ali je vrlo verovatno da su to jako dobre kutije za nevelike novce. Za veći korak napred trebalo bi se poprilično opružiti.Nisam siguran da li je cevno pojačalo najsretnije rešenje za te zvučnike, s obirom da im je nominalna impedanca 4 Ohma. Ipak, ako se dobro sećam projekta V20, onda bez obzira na nižu impedancu, ona ne varira previše, kao ni faza, tako da ih je moguće terati kako spada sa dobro izvedenim push-pull cevnim pojačalom, koje eventualno ima malo "jaču" povratnu spregu (damping faktor od barem 10-20).Interesantno mi je da niko nije pomenuo po meni najslabiju kariku sistema, CD player. Sony CDP-797 nije ko znaš, i to baš tim rečima. Treblo bi potražiti neki rezolutniji CD, i bolji u svakom pogledu. Npr. neki sa DAC čipovima BB PCM61 ili PCM63, upgrade-ovani Denon, ili neki drugi. Ima dosta proizvođača i modela CD playera s kraja 90-tih sa tim DAC čipovima i Sony transport/laser koji mogu zamenski i danas da se kupe, ako ustreba. (KSS-240A ima na svakom kiosku)

*Sony 797 promenio je vlasnika.
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Kao digitalni izvor ostao je Pioneer DVP 610. Dok se ne steknu uslovi za nesto bolje, Uostalom, to i nije tako los plejer. Jadno izgleda, sporo ucitava, ali zvucno je sasvim pristojan.Uvek i u svemu treba imati u vidu odnos cena/kvalitet. I za bolji plejer a posebno za bolje kutije, mora da se potrosi mnogo para. Mene je taj plejer nov, neotpakovan kostao 55E.

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