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25 strana??? ko će sve to.....daj neki highlights. :lol:

evo:-----------Even with low hours*, these things are quite stunning. Everyone who has ever commented on the 125 always says they are amazed by the bass... -----------With the Pass Mini-A (ask Jason for model details) or relatively stock Jolida 302 (EL34 PP triode strapped) no problems at all. Excellent bass extension and articulation on the SS, but rather dry/thin midrange and collapsed soundstage compared to the tubed amp.-----------these speakers sounded like winners right away. Gorgeous female vocals, plenty of bass, not just bass, but bass with all the right textures. Besides their ability to play plenty loud, and image very nicely, there was no fuss over placement, and small enough for domestic harmony.-----------listening to the CSS FR125S for a few days. And I am surprised that I do not want to hurry back to my Jordan JX92s. The FR 125S seem to excell at conveying the emotional quality of dynamic nuance--thus I'm drawn into the music. That and a more relaxed treble compared to the Jordan have helped to make thems a welcome guest, perhaps permanent housemate.-----------My first impression was they put out a lot of bass. Not just for small driver either they just plain put out a lot of bass. As the alephs warmed up the sound became more smoth. I did not hear the bipole with the mini A but I suspect it will be great. -----------It is clear that the FR125S aims into exactly the same market niche as the Jordan. It is a worthy competitor, at a better price.here is the 1st promo sheet on them: http://homepage.mac.com/tlinespeakers/FAL/downloads/CSS-FR125-intro.pdf-----------Well, now I've listened to the FR125S in two different cabinets. Firstly, for a week in a solid pine transmission line type; and secondly, just today, in a Baltic Birch back-horn (the design of this back-horn is a new design). I am surprised that the driver in the back-horn did not produce a midbass hump (such as has been my experience with the Jordan jx92s or a Tang-Band 4-657s)--......What the FR125S does is convey the emotion of a performance so very well--the dynamic nuances!!!--, so well in fact, that I'm listening afresh to my well worn faves and newly enchanted by their spells. I feel the music more. The FR125S are more laid-back (which is fine with me), require more amp juice, and have yet to be as open (though seem as smooth) in comparison to the Jordan's. Time (burn-in) will tell.The only amp I've been using has been a gainclone (I've three such amps and presently no tube or other type amp). -----------FR125s drivers now quite a bit and from the get-go, I liked them. No need for a tweeter here for my tastes. Bob has hit the nail on the head with this one. I think these will be putting a big hurt on Mr. Jordan's sales to come. Are they the end-all answer to audiophilia? No, but I wasn't expecting that either so no biggie right? I have had them in some .25 cube ported enclosures tuned to about 55Hz and the bass impressed most who heard them. Personally, I thought they were a bit "bloaty" sounding to me though. I think maybe a smidgen smaller and higher tuning would cure this for the most part. Bu tthen again, these are likely to be backed up by a sub in most systems so why bother shooting for the limits of the driver when it performs great without doing so. I then dropped them into some smaller sealed enclosures, right at about .15 cubes with moderate stuffing of polyfill. Took them back in the house and really liked what I heard. Listened to them for a bit then had other friends and family give them a listen as well. the majority liked them better sealed, just as I did. I have listened to everything from Pink Floyd, to my Blue Man Group DVD, Dave Mathews live at the Gorge DVD, to some acoustical blues, some bluegrass, to watching movies with these little guys and they rock in my book. Sure they need to be backed up by a subwoofer for rock and movies and the like (my opinion), but hey, it's a 5" driver...what were you really excpecting here? But I can say this, for 5" speakers, they get plenty loud for my family's likings. -----------To my ears this driver does well in a small back loaded horn. There is little in the way of a midbass hump created, oh, maybe a single dB around 100Hz. The bass starts to roll off below 60Hz, but has some presence down to about 40 some, with another drop off below this.I am really liking this driver more and more. The midrange is opening up. Besides dynamic nuanaces that convey swing and the performer's emotional intention, this driver has an upper range harmonic integrety. I hear when another musician takes over a melodic line from another.About the CSS FR125S driver: no desire, in the least, to move it from my main system. -----------Just fired off my Bi-polar ML TQWT using the CCS FR 125 full rangers and after 5 minutes of listening I had to grab two handfuls of Accoustastuff and push them into the vents. Hard to imagine a 4" driver with too much bass! Can't measure them but they follow M. King's model for two drivers in a single enclosure.They really sound great. Would love to post pictures but the files are too large and my computer skills are too small to figure out how. Thanks Bob--these are a whole new kind of musical animal.-----------I got to hear the Raw Acoustic CSS Speakers at CES in the Adire Audio room, they were wonderful. They were in a small ported box.
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