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Postovi objavljeno od jororaitchev

  1. On 12.04.2017 г. at 3:16 PM, jororaitchev said:

    Аnother small step in my project;Аnother small step in my project;






    An interesting situation, nobody asked me what happened to the column volume in such ventilation! How will we calculate the volume/ have st losses/ in this complex form of ventilation?


  2. 10 minutes ago, vdzele said:

    Well that's too bad.

    But, if I may suggest one thing though. A couple years ago a well known audio professional here suggested me to put several of these in my living room where I keep my stereo. Just like you I was really skeptic that they would do the job. But it turned out I was wrong, I was dead wrong.

    They are doing an excellent job, no needs for bass trap. The thing with these kind of diffusers is that they go waaaay deep for there shallowness. They are about 10cm deep and they diffuse waves that go around 300Hz - which no other can do. The professional that put them on my wall said to me that he believes they go even deeper.

    Please try to reconsider my proposal. I have listened to some skyline diffesers suggested above, I think they are way behind this science. Rpg has many ears of experience in research and testing. I think they hit the jackpot. (Stereo system in the picture is outdated).


    Difuzor 3.jpg

    Difuzor 6.jpg

    Will have bass traps ..../it happens sometimes when we do are more "englishman" than we are/.

    This ceiling can not handle low frequencies!

    Project 10 " speakers ,requires serious acoustic treatment room -i will do it !

  3. 21 minutes ago, ZZZ said:

    Excellent work !!!

    I just want to point one thing if You don't mind. Air in the chamber have a mass. And center of that mass and-or volume. With this kind of bracing, that global mass-volume divided into many smaller volumes and masses. Also the center of global mass shift from one to many points, apart from each other.

    This is resulting for driver to saw much smaller volume that it actually present, if You subs-tract volume of bracing from the global volume. Much smaller...

    We have had this topic in the forum if I am remembering well, before some time. And a guy, remove inside bracing, reporting with the huge step forward in the sound outcome. In the lower end and ballance generally. The common builder reflex is just to add volume of bracing inside to accomplish same volume from the starting point, but it is not just like this...

    On the other hand, walls are really isolated. :)

    Try to measure the cab, and compare to the simulated result in the low region. If it is differs, it would be from that effect i was explain. And it will act like smaller volume in the simulations.

    cheers :)

    Ventilation has two missions - to make sure that the cabinet to keep "quiet" and helps in the construction of  the boxes.

  4. 34 minutes ago, sir Oliver said:

    Is this your design ( drivers, crossover, cabinet ) or some other guy?

      No one but me / for the first project ,for the construction of crossover  i used the services of "pas_bg" /.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Vix said:

    Hi Zhoro. Very nice. For some time I have also followed bulgarian diyaudio scene, but over time lost contact since I haven't been to Bulgaria since 2006 (I lived in Blagoevgrad for 5 years-student days). If I ever come again (if my wife allows-guess why :) I will come to listen to these speakers!

    Vsichko dobro and just continue posting speaker pics! :)

    Sorry, they already have a new lucky owner!
    It may then be ready new project.

  6. On 31.01.2017 г. at 1:37 AM, jororaitchev said:

    Нищо криминално. Благодаря Ви, улеснихте задачата ми и ...я обезсмислихте. Не знам, дали има смисъл да пускам другият проект?

    Добро вече !
    Живимо у глобалном свету, нема велика изненађења у информације.

    These columns have their new  owner and I work on a new project.

    To move the evening!

    I decided to move my evening as you presented
    my new project:


    идея 1-1.jpg


    идея 5-5.jpg

    idea 3.jpg

    идея 6-6.jpg



  7. 15 hours ago, Dacho said:

    On the first picture...

    The first image is a "matrix" of her bending 8 layers x 4 mm MDF/ she did not participate in the construction/.

    This aluminum foil  is to not to  to be glued the layers in bending.

    Sorry, I do not understand!


  8. 16 minutes ago, Deyan said:

    Съжалявам, не ми беше това намерение.:(

    За мен , няма никакъв проблем, постовете ми са в цял свят. Администраторите мисля, че също няма да имат нищо против- нали крастата е една за всички ни.



  9. 6 minutes ago, sir Oliver said:

    Mного хубаво. Kойто фурнир употреба? Kак като готови гланц?

    Благодаря за оценката! Вече не знам, на какъв език да пиша?

    Фурнирът е "Птичи явор" / Bird maple/ .Обработката /The finish/ е, майка ми жална, 6,7 слоя /coats/ полиуретанов  грунд и над 20 слоя висококачествен акрилен авто лак,

    с полиране след всеки слой. Ако не сте разбрали нещо , ще Ви пиша на английски.



  10. Quote
    • Početnik
    • " Колега следим ви. .........."

    Нищо криминално. Благодаря Ви, улеснихте задачата ми и ...я обезсмислихте. Не знам, дали има смисъл да пускам другият проект?

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