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Sve objavljeno od Mikorist

  1. http://youtu.be/nq4J7IQrBig http://youtu.be/6RSBsNEi_Fwhttp://youtu.be/kNz3vWXnx8shttp://youtu.be/W4_3aCj6jWY
  2. I am read the headline attached to Snowden ---> " NSA monitors everything you do on the "net"" I'm looking and I'm amazed . Wrong, even , newspaper headline. It is absurd , because it is showing all the way around ( the reality) in the text and placed upside down in this story . Or this whole story is chewing gum for idiots and at the level of idiots. In addition, there is the inserted element of " conspiracy " to better accommodate (us) . Some sealy concepts , some ( poor ) internet coverage map and nonsense as the scenarios from movie like James Bond 007 ... Of course the main character is a man who knows everything, can be everything, and knows how to program and hack . Anyway, to get back to the point of the story about control. They do not have to access anything. Because everything is reversed in the other way around as it really is. They do not need any special software (or a team of specially trained monkeys ) to track and monitor the entire Internet as their own constituent. NSA = Internet - fully and in its all segments. (from the Beginning in timeline of the 20th century) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARPANET But literally. The problem is that most people do not know ( and many do not care to know) how that conglomerate works (such as infrastructure) . Prejudice, stupidity, lack of education , and somewhat true, but rarely . The whole infrastructure ( physical) , the entire lens, ( all ) equipment , Multi-Gigabit Ethernet to USA and EU (And All World) it works ( mostly) over one and the same corporation . Internet is not only "made in by USA" ---> But the USA is " provider of providers" for all us too. From the heart of the United States , Level 3: http://www.level3.com/en/global-reach/ This is not a conspiracy - it's factual situation "beyond bandwidth" and real MAP : http://maps.level3.com/default/ We follow "them" and we move together in the business , leaving (personal) data, sharing, connect to and browse through "them", as an integral part of "them" , and (we are ) its " matrix " . And we are all most from "their" dependents (their internet addicts ) and we all pay "them" {subconsciously} . ( voluntarily participate into) .
  3. Mikorist

    Windows 8

    Kuci - orginal Win8 + orginal RedHat (Desktop edition) Na serveru je org. Red Hat Enterprise server (ide u ovom {novom} hosting paketu.) a IP.Board (orginal) svakako, pomaze forumu opstanak.
  4. Mikorist

    Windows 8

    inace.... crack za windows 8.x nema , niti ce ikad biti.(zato sam i kupio {i ne samo ja} legalne kljuceve onomad na rasprodaji) trenutno sam na licinom mestu gde to prave (tj. na nj. kreketekrek vorumu) i gledam . ovaj lik DAZ odnosno njegov crack za windows 7 svi koriste (ili bolje reci koristili su). pazite sta kaze: videti: http://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/24902-Windows-Loader-Support-and-chat/page1393?p=697111&viewfull=1#post697111 tako da se ne nadajte. i ne skidajte nista sto pise da ga "aktivira" , jer najverovatnije je cista laz i uz to doobro upakovan VIRUS.
  5. izem ti zemlju u kojoj moras da imas usluzno naruzcivanje sa ebay-a. pa kupo-prodaja prekoebay-a radi i u Zanzibaru. ispred skupstine da se nacrtamo i protest. svi, svi, svi...
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