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  1. Neka ostane ovde da se podsetim kakav ja hoću .Za buffere ću se već opsetiti kakve ću napraviti.
  2. TVC - Busted ! :Viannen_loungelizard:Uskoro će prof. Daudio da postuje detalje današnjih experimenata
  3. Thanks Tea-Bag for very detailed expressions sharing :clapping:Conclusion: we all made Good Amp
  4. Čuo sam se sa komšom. Skontao je gde je zabrljao, pa se raduje , a imao noćnu smenu.Rasturio sve na sastavne delove, pa će ponovo da mota, samo ovaj put "kako bog zapoveda"
  5. Dakle, jutro je uvek pametnije od večeri
  6. I got the same result - Bold music with lot of details. Like a Shark - It's (music) everywhere
  7. 1) Bigger Bias is always better2) Big Resistors combination seems to be the best possible
  8. :Viannen_loungelizard:I would stop here
  9. Komso, ako treba buffer, mislim da imam jedan (na PCB ima vise od jednog buffera ) spreman koji moze da se koristi za probe, zajedno sa ispravljacem.Javi se, pa da i to resimo i idemo dalje.
  10. Order for me bunch of 1/0,68/ 0,47, too, please.
  11. Current (last setup so far) is actuallyR29 = 0,33 OhmR30 = 0,68 OhmR31 = 0,33 OhmCan we make it better ?
  12. Just for engineering reasons... Some brain food - Optocoupler's base connections
  13. The message from "Unknown soldier" Hi Slobodan, You had the right feeling - the highest value in the middle sounds best....Congratulations! p.s. I put it here only for Engineering reasons
  14. Meni je ovo bas simpaticno http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEtBMOa5NfQ&feature=player_embedded a ovo je u kompletuhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKm6zDAb7G4&feature=player_embedded
  15. Odlican CD - Mario Suzuki - Touching Folklore Music
  16. Izgleda da polako idemo ka ovome. Cijena prava sitnica 12.500 $.
  17. Koliko sam shvatio,razlika izmedju PC audio playera (neka ostane zapisano)
  18. Za nas neupucene Computer Audio Software cMP and cPlay Price: Free Click here to read the complete review, with follow-up seen here. My product of the year has to be the two software programs cMP and cPlay and their included instructions for turning a computer into a top-notch digital audio and video player. The developer calls this the "Memory Player" (no relation to the other player of the same name selling for mega-bucks). Developed by "cics", who wishes to remain anonymous yet should be given a medal, if one follows his instructions one can produce for themselves a CD, DVD, HD-DVD playback system that will rival anything out there for less than $8000. The cMP program allows transfer of disc information to the computer with 100 percent precision by re-reading a disc until it is sure that all the digits are there, at the same time shutting down all unnecessary Windows applications and subprograms, thus decreasing computer noise. cPlay then loads the music digital information to RAM, thus decreasing jitter to negligible values compared to disc or hard drive playback. The software then does digital signal processing with up to 24-bit/192kHz precision before sending the data to DAC conversion. The price can't be beat! � Bill Gaw Bogami, mislim da cu se uputiti... da ne ostanem neupucen
  19. It's a Christmas time...everybody likes it
  20. Eager to hear Tea's and generg's experiment results
  21. Is there anybody, or all of You have left
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