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Zen Mod

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Sve objavljeno od Zen Mod

  1. Zen Mod

    EV Interface 2

    vise bi se moglo znati/uraditi ako bi imao izmerene T/S parametre za te 8"
  2. "englishmans in NY ":rofl:valjda mi znamo engliski bolje od njih .....
  3. Mrs. - please grab him to the bed , and squeeze him , so he can't walk at least 3 days .......( and type for same time ..... )
  4. naspavacu se jednog dana ....... samo se nadam da ce Isidora do tada imati vec dovoljno godina
  5. speaking of me , all the time , with great pride and love:Viannen_loungelizard:
  6. I hope that time I'll have more of my back :buehehe:what about september 11th ?
  7. taking that in account - all Englishmans are Škopci .
  8. fookall the way - from LA to Vienna , working on someone else's drek .....
  9. and ...... somehow I expect to see Manu rolling on Solex ?
  10. it looks to me as story now - admit - what's your secret - havin' Dame like this by your side ?
  11. fook englishmans - they're barbarians !
  12. Zen Mod

    Tektronix 326

    posle kalibracije - i u vatru i u vodu .
  13. naah ........search for brave viking erik , and - berserk:rofl:
  14. even fucking ZM arrived at home ...... with head between legs , buried in shame , bitter and sadness ......
  15. nikad!btw - steinika - izdao me mobilan , a kraj moonshining stroja nemam uticnico ....
  16. ceo zivot mi je serija propustenih prilika ......
  17. so - sort of final schmtc edit : schm deleted by ZM
  18. usput - ko radi robu iz Shuro-a ?www.schuro.dehttp://www.hifituning24.de/
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