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aaa zmaju!

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Postovi objavljeno od aaa zmaju!

  1. Pa jesi gledao na KP?

    Ima ovaj:http://www.kupujemprodajem.com/Leader-Wow-Flutter-Meter-LFM-39a-50682758-oglas.htm

    The LFM-39A Wow & Flutter Meter is a direct reading type
    instrument designed for measurement of Wow, Flutter and
    Drift characteristics of tape recorders, recordplayers and
    other playback/recording equipment. The effective values,
    peak-to-peak values and center frequency (3kHz or 3.15kHz)
    of Wow & Flutter are indicated on the meter in accordance
    with J1S, CC1R, DIN, and weighted specifications.
    Five full scale ranges, 0.03%, 0.1%, 0.3%, 1% and 3%, are
    used. The use of 0.03% range makes it possible to measure
    accurately the Wow & Flutter characteristics of high-grade
    tape recorders.
    The LFM-39A contains an oscillator with excellent frequency
    accuracy, which can be used to calibrate the drift meter and
    supply a recording signal.
    Moreover, this Wow &c Flutter meter is equipped with a TO
    SCOPE terminal for analyzing Wow & Flutter components and a
    RECORDER terminal for Wow & Flutter recording.


    7 hours ago, Zen Mod said:

    mda , moram i da presijem sediste ....... sad nadjoh neki jebitacan konac


    A `de je slika na rezervoar?<_<

  2. 4 hours ago, Woland said:

    pa zato što mu se može, ima četri komata najpoželjnijih i veoma retkih drivera (i ckupi mmcu im, po poslednjim cenama sa jebaja cca 10K), i ja bih isto tako da mogu :D Zen bi ih verovatno turio u OB uz Tannoy helpere :) mnogo me nerviraju, ti LC1 imaoci :D


    Ma lako je vama kaste pripremljeni:D, i odma predjoste na neke da prostis sise...ne znam ti ja sta...nista nisam ukacio:dubbio:

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