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Zen Mod

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Postovi objavljeno od Zen Mod

  1. Hvala svima na pomoci.Pogledacu veceras sve opcije.Ovo sam uzeo samo da se malo poigram dok mi ne stigne nesto "pravo".Kad smo vec kod toga, Zen da li da ocekujem uskoro postara? :cheers:

    za par dana .....samo da pocnem malo da disem od haosa .....
  2. grecovi u RK , mada najbolje da uradis sa brzim diodama ;sp300B moz' da ti kaze koje je on koristio za Babel -da ja sad ne izvlacim iz mmozga ;sto se tice seme za napajanje - genericka sema - po grani 2x33mF kondovi .ne pitaj za semu nego kukaj i zakukavaj ima li ko viska jedniu plocicu za PSU iz GB

  3. zenerica ukupno za 19-20Vkoliki ukupni napon zenerica , oduzmi od thoga 4V i to ti je izlazni napon ;tako ti je i sad ....... pola volta ni tamo ni ovamo - to odlazi na toleranciju zenerica i Uds mosfetabtw. mozes da pogledas i moj & Sipijev SrpskoSirotinjski BOZ - sa J310 i cap multiplier-om ........zakljucak - previse grub je taj stabilizator za taj stage

  4. Upravo tako! :rofl: P.S. 'Ajde priznaj da si u pocetku mislio da preterujem u opisu Steinovog sitema.Off: Juce sam bio kod ortaka da izripujemo dve ploce na hard.Tip ima onaj cuveni Norsk audio baltik. Znao sam iz price po fifi forumu da je to bula ali tolika bula?Ljudi, pa to nije istina koliki je to odron od zvucnika :cheers::rofl:

    jes - u procepu MC na basu mozes da vozis Zid Smrti
  5. I don't feel comfortable about bee's wax in a PSU cap. Bee's wax just might be the difference, between "pufff" and "KABOOOMBANG". Magura <_<

    waxes were good even for diode (high)voltage multipliers in Quad electrostat loudspeakers ;use any other sort of wax ( industrial ones ) instead bees one .or - use some epoxy thingie ... or just use oil ......... as you wanted from start , but be sure that cap is firm in case .
  6. Ok, now we're on the same page again <_< I found it hard to see what why you wanted to do something like that, to a PSU cap. Anyhow, I guess oil and then aluminum could be nice, no?Magura :moil:

    look here - for few simple tips - http://www.dhtrob.com/projecten/elna1_en.shtmlboyz are nutz , but not too much :idea: I told ya - not oil but some waxy thing - which will give you much better damping & mechanical properties ;easy to melt , and falls in place just right ...if you are going to use some Al tubes (cylinders ) - put some dielectric sheet between cap and walls of tube .... but I know that you already know that ......
  7. Why so? The cap itself is 90% plastic (polypropylene).Magura :moil:

    damping properties , what else ?anyway - I forgot that you're not making signal cap with these ..... feel free to use what you want ...... <_< even drek tube .........
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