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Zen Mod

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Blogovi objavljeno od Zen Mod

  1. Zen Mod
    K3809 as main driver , K3833(K3836) as bass helper
    K3809 are mine , while K3833(K3836) (stars of previous blog entries ) are prepared for SuperFi's Westminster project
    just having fun with some old OB "wood" , gift from Chakija ( he's not feeling young enough to continue playing with them ....... )
    to be continued ...... these days I hope to have some time to mount crude xover , and put them in living room
    disclaimer - I'm really not expecting real bass ....... that's max width I can squeeze in living room , where spks must be situated
    addendum - there is bass , at least in my smallish living room ; sound is remarkable , even with crude and quick xover , without any efforts put in measurements and polishing of same ; OB is far from optimal in almost every area , but it is so fun .....

  2. Zen Mod
    AR2 , Mr. Burner himself - zna da fotka i voli da fotka ........foto ilustracija par godina prijateljstva i vezane prepiske ....... samo deo fotki koje su poslate u smeru SF - Ancient Batschmaltene svaka slika ima svoju pricu i svoj deo snafotke - naravno - random:cheers:-------------------------AR2 - Mr. Burner himself - knows how to make/take pictures , and loves to do that ........that's photo illustration of few years of friendship and related correspondence ....... just a part of many pictures sent from San Francisco to Ancient Batschalmost every photo have his own background story and it's definitely part of some dreamoff course - photos in random order

  3. Zen Mod
    Download entire book :http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20665608/Zen%20and%20Mcycle%20mainteance.pdfRelated sites : http://en.wikipedia....cle_Maintenancehttp://www.univie.ac...torcycle_ma.htmhttp://ww2.usca.edu/...s/ProfessorGurrGallery : http://ww2.usca.edu/...albumListPage=1Enjoy

    An interview with Robert Pirsig.pdf
    The interview_ Robert Pirsig _ Books _ The Observer.pdf
  4. Zen Mod
    Dobio sam majicuU tri boje bojenuStigla mi je iz AmerikeIz Njujorske drzaveA na njoj piseJoj sto volim Iggy PopNa njoj piseIggy PopJa imadem tetkicuStare loze kmeticuOna zivi u BruklinuTamo igra kosarkuI ona kazeJoj sto volim Iggy PopOna kazeIggy PopDa ja imam djevojcicuDao bi joj majicuDao bi joj pusicuAl ja nemam djevojcicuA da je imamMislila bi sto I jaRekla bi miIggy Pop:Viannen_loungelizard:Ete meni postara , nije zazvonio dvaput - no jednom - kako je i red u Ancient Batsch-koj .Ne mogu reci da je iznenadjenje , jerbo sam znao , ali sam se ipak veoma lepo obradovao Majica - u tri boje bojena - je za mene , knjiga takodje za mene , nekoliko BAF 2010 bedževa ;4 bedža su nerasporedjena , pa ko se javi na PP , dobice jedan po jedan - kao pozdrav od tetkice iz Amerike :Viannen_loungelizard:first come , first serve-------- 0 ------------Vlada je moj drug !B...E...N....Z....I....N ....a što čudno piše voda ........

  5. Zen Mod
    I'm lazy , so there are excerpts from my correspondence on Tannoy Yahoo group; all quotes - Mighty ZM
    I'm putting this here as future reference for some other desperate Tanner ; I must admit ( or I'm just boasting ) - I'm always having serius backup for all things speakers - from Aleksandar RAAL ....... even if I'm always stubborn and I'm bugging him only post hoc ..... to be sure that I didn't blew something
    of course - "Danish guy " wasn't prepared to share his recipe ; I don't blame him
    that's why I'm sharing mine
    then one guy is saying that Mouse Glue is forbidden in some EU countries ; my reply :
    then guy asked where to search for surround impregnation goop ;
    my reply :
    then guy asked for difference sound-wise , pre and post procedure ; my reply :
    I hope you enjoyed little story
    In case that I remember to get cam to my workshop tomorrow , I'll make few pics and put it here , along with few pics of same drivers prior to fun procedure
    edit : did I told ya that each cone got 2 layers of Dammar ?
    all pics are after treatment , except last 3 ones - sent to me from seller , so prior to procedure ...... months ago
    if you're puzzled - here is a link for SigJenny sig gene proggie : http://www.natch.co.uk/downloads/SigJenny/SigJenny.html

  6. Zen Mod
    Pair of non-matched Tanns - one 3833 (mint) and one 3836 ( supposedly needing recone ) , tnx to enormous and kind help of Ninja - obtained from outer space for my kiddoe - SuperFi .
    As confirmed on net , difference between 3833 and 3836 is just here and there in color of some details ( golden ring around surround on one of them , while on other one, that ring is black) .
    After some examination , measurements of all coils Rdc , I decided to make most direct and most benign steps , to decide is it necessary to buy new cone (150E franco BG) , or something else can be done .
    So - all was needed is to soak spider circumference with acetone , pill it up , then unscrew 4 imbus bolts - to remove magnet assembly from basket ;
    Bingo !
    Culprit was in several steel pieces in gap , resulting in slight scratching of VC in gap ; luckily - there is no damage done to VC itself .
    So - SuperFi is one lucky guy - price for that pair , shipping included , was pretty decent .
    Beer for Ninja will be pleasure , not expense
    Gap cleaning - easiest with sticky paper tape ; put it inside , circle , pull up ; use new piece of tape for each pass .
    Then blowing it with compressed air , and again sticky tape .........
    Enjoy in pictures ....... decent and knowledgeable engineering .......
    ........ and yes - there are Cu shorting ring tricks in both bass and comp. drivers ; and - yes , there is ferrofluid in comp. driver gap ...
    One of these days I'll make re-assembly .....

  7. Zen Mod
    bias & offset procedure done
    clipping test done
    installed switches for tying L & R inputs , for bi-amp duty .
    they're made with common supply for both channels in case , because of possibility of use in parallel mode
    in any case , when made as dual mono , wiring can be cleaner and nicer .
    whatever , I'm satisfied .
    bottom taster buttons will be replaced later ( pair of "START" buttons per amp just doesn't make much sense ) , and missing Cardas posts on one will be mounted as soon they arrive .
    cheap & dirty amps for everyday's use , if you don't mind burnin' 2 x 200 W of electricity
    free tip for any user of A class amp - having Babysitter is cunning ......... as shown here : http://tinyurl.com/85ymtnm

  8. Zen Mod
    Fender Stratocaster tweaks , for hum reducing
    - 0,3mm Cu foil , cut to strips and fields , glued with neoprene glue to back of mask , entire body cavity
    - all Cu planes strategically connected with soldering and grounded to CT Ground - back of volume pot
    - entire wiring changed to screened two wire cable , where screen is connected as shield strictly - on upstream signal side
    - pot shafts lightly oiled
    Woland's Kidoe will enjoy , I'm sure ..............
    - ignore predominant red color on pics - it's from red velvet and my red plastic terrace roof

  9. Zen Mod
    I'm lazy to comment each picture ; cleaned , horn throat sanded , degreased , painted ;
    spider area on basket cleaned from glue residue
    prior to re-gluing it , VC is alligned with shims made of redundant photo ( didn't had usually used plastic foils near by)
    spare mesh dust cap placed just for fun ...... it will not be used
    I intend to redo other driver's horn throat in black , to make them same-looking
    so - pretty much same work as....or even less than complete recone ...... but without 150E spent unnecessary , for new cone

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