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Postovi objavljeno od grau.

  1. Nisi smorio, to i mi pisemo.Ne znamo sta je i ko je ovaj Western Electric, neki kauboj koji je kupio pravo na ime pa ce sada da stancuje u Shuguangu, investiciona grupa iz Indije ili nesto sto bi moglo imati pristup originalnim masinama i sada, dok ovo pisemo, radi obuku staffa. Pa i Nemci (Elrog) su imali probleme onolike, jedva su se spasili bruke.

  2. guglaj "starved plates" ili starved tubes




    Ultra basic tube theory:

    1.) A tube filament is heated to excite and liberate electrons from the filament’s surface.

    2.) A negative voltage is applied to the tube’s cathode, which repels the negatively charged electrons. (Opposite charges attract – similar charges repel)

    3.) A positive voltage is applied to the tube’s anode (plate), which attracts the negatively charged electrons. This repulsion / attraction creates current flow in the tube.

    4.) A negatively charged grid is placed in close proximity to the filament. Since a negative charge repels electrons, and it’s since the grid is located closer to the filament than the anode, it can overcome the anodes positive attraction with a much smaller negative voltage. 

    Now by varying the negative voltage on the grid you can control the current flow through the tube like a valve. (Wonder why the Brits call tubes valves?)
    If you reduce the controlling voltage on the grid enough, some control over the current flow through the tube will be lost causing over-saturation and loss of fidelity. 

    If the anode (plate) voltage isn’t high enough (starved plate) the liberated electrons will repel each other to a certain degree, acting much like a control grid themselves. The temperature of the filament will affect the number of electrons which in turn, affects control.

    In low powered pedals, a tube is usually used as a simple clipping diode, replacing its silicon brethren. The slow response speed (compared to silicon) makes tube distortion sound different

  3. ja bre, nemojte da vas grau poducava.

    A2 rezim jeste nacin da se digne snaga uredjaja ali do sada nije pronadjen kredibilan nacin da se to uradi sa 300b. ako neko zna neka prica, ja nisam video.

    za to sluze lampe koje mogu da izdrze da se resetka jako naprzava pozitivnom strujom, npr VT4C ili VT25 (10Y).

    ne znam da li je to moguce resiti nekom posebnom konstrukcijom resetke ali je navedeno da se radi replika originalne WE cevi, koja istorijski nije koriscena za rad u A2 klasi, niti bi to bila replika WE91 ampa.

    radovacu se da budem demantovan ali mislim da bi takav rezim za 300b rezultirao pojacalom koje ima vecu snagu ali svira kao kurac.


  4. Ne verujem, nije WE91 PSE sema.


    Moraju da grade hajp zato sto je bio rivajval ovog ampa u zadnjih 15 godina, Brian Cherry iz Hong Konga (HiFi DIY Audio) je prodavao ovaj amp u nekoliko verzija.

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