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Sve objavljeno od skydog

  1. FFL, привет!!!With your kind help we (me and my friend -good carpenter and crazy audiophile like we all are) have decided to start building WMR. We shall try first 12" and then if it won't work to our liking we'lluse some 15" Tannoys. Can I contact you somehow at personal e-mail? Have some questions on the material used - didn't mdf produce any resonance? What's the weight of each speaker?Thank you
  2. Супер!!!!!!!! Это была моя мечта построить Westminsters и ты помогаешь ее осуществить!! Спасибо!!!!Many million thanks for the plans. Now I'll realise my dream to build Westminsters.I have a question. FFL, is it possible to use Monitor Golds 12" in these cabinets?
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