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bata bane

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Postovi objavljeno od bata bane

  1. So the story goes on.....after a lot of temperature measurements, I decided that the most optimal solution would be a two monoblocks version. This way one side of monoblock woud be used for power resistors and other side for output transistors and power supply.Mesurments were.... power resistor cooling block was not more than 50C in room temperature during summer, and side where power transistor and supply were was even less , about 45CMesurments were taken whith unimer so might be a little higher, but even so I was happy whith heatsinks :clapping:


  2. After a while I finaly finished my amp... :clapping:

    basic caracteristics 34V supply, 2.6A bias curent...

    it started like this http://www.hifi-forumi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=10229&hilit=sega ,but after a lot of experimentation and few changes in circuts design it looks something like this

    base of the amp is Russian military Ge power transistor 1T813b, and imput transistor is AC 141K, in the midle AD 162

    thiese are the glimps of my hevy metal work for now :dubbio:

    EDIT :

    SCHEMATIC INCLUDED,by bata bane request




  3. You can sure make a field coil stronger than a neodymium, that's just a matter of the power applied. I've played around with coils as magnets previously, and sure there is a limit, but it's beyond what you'd consider reasonable from a power consumption aspect.The main benefit, would be higher flux in the voice coil gap, and a possibility to adjust that parameter. This I would expect, could turn out as a possibility to get better frequency response in the upper end. Magura ;)

    For some time I was also interested in making field coil magnet, but with voice coil patented by our countryman which made some controversies in hi-fi community, the DD voice coil
  4. Iz par privatnih poruka koje sam danas razmenio sam skapirao da je oglas malo zbunjujuć. :rofl: Slike sirove kutije su tu orijentacije radi. Kutija trenutno izgleda kao na prve tri slike.Priprema za novo pojačalo je moja obaveza. Podrazumeva nov klirit u prednjoj ploči i aluminijumske ploče 10mm x 120mm x 300mm koje prelaze preko oba hladnjaka iperfektno ih termički sprezu.

    ja sam zainteresovan, pile imas pp :cheers:
  5. čiča, miča, gotova priča. adapteri su kod postavljača teme pa njega davite dok se stanovita količina ne potrosi.

    gujo, sta da kazem.... <_< adapteri su superiska
  6. 18 komada prvih i 5 komada drugih je izecovano.dakle?

    gujo, radis na telepatiju.... <_< juce sam iskuckao poruku, ali nisam poslao...ko da sam znaoimas moj broj...i resavamo problem na licetu mestasho bi rekli ...cekam tvoj poziv :moil: pozz
  7. ti si bata-bane počeo kviz, znači ti dolazis.biraj: vidikovac ili zemun.

    druze G, ni jednog momenta nije dolazilo u pitanje moja resenost da preuzmem robu, no nisam zeleo da budem nametljiv...jel'tezemun mi vise odgovara, pa samo reci mjesto i vrjeme...a moze i nesto da se popije na neutralnom terenu ako vise odgovara :diablo: u svakom slucaju :) za inicijativu i ekspeditivnostpozdrav bmob 064 11 57 111
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