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Sve objavljeno od gaggia

  1. gaggia


    pretpostavljam: kada pokrene instalaciju, rezolucija ode na 640x480 - sta bese da ukljuca kao opciju neposredno pre instalacije da bi podesio rezoluciju barem na 800x600?
  2. cek, cek - ja znam da Nemci imaju visok standard, razvijenu ekonomiju, privredu - ali bas da su stigli dotle da modovani cd player cene toliko - to je isuvise.. u stvari je bezobrazno..
  3. gaggia


    probaaaj taj ubuntu - ne bih ti predlagao da nisam ubedjen da je odlican - progooglaj malo o tematici ubuntu+tvoja graf karta (uzgred- koja je u pitanju?)
  4. bez tenzije momci, pobiti cu vas inace, novopridosli clanovi se bolje i lakse uklope ukoliko izbegavaju peglanje sa pucanstvom, barem dok ih malo bolje ne upoznamo
  5. gaggia


    ne budes li - vise ne razgovaram s tobom 13.10 - 32 ili 64bit-na (obrati paznjicu)
  6. Kazi bre lepo: "slus`o sam gagijeve EV u MLTL i nije se culo ni za precvaloga duda (a u srcu svome sapuci - "nije istina, nije istina,nije...") A tek da znas sta mi sada miluje usne mi skoljkeeee...uffffffff..ne bi ti bilo svejedno - ne bih da te sikiram
  7. gaggia


    udriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! Ajde ti lepo skini Ubuntu Studio, narezi distribuciju ili speci na flash Unetbootin-om. Izaberi Try without installing i vidi sta sve moze Da znas - tesko se vraca covek na win.. Iii da - mogao bi da za probu dofatis neki npr 80gb disk pa da na njega, odvojeno od windowsa, instaliras lindzu.
  8. gaggia

    Ribon kablovi

    sutra prepodne javljam dedooooo
  9. amanero bobnbon.. . radi na svemu sto ti padne na hard
  10. cek bre Banat, znas li ti koliko je 500-600l?! Pa to bi mu FAP trebao samo da preveze materijal, kamoli zavrsene kutije
  11. gaggia

    Wolandovi Tannoy-i

    xe xe xe - tresnjin furnir - idealno sredstvo za borbu protivu klimaksa
  12. ama, ko bas zapne, ne mogu da ga odbijem..
  13. he he he - ko me zna, zna da secem vene besplatno
  14. gaggia

    DIY Synergy horn

    JLH, PP, april 2011` Paul Spancer, PP S3 update You may have noticed that I've been quiet on the blog about S3 progress. If you thought it was because not much has been happening then this will be a surprise. I now have a small team that has been working hard on creating a statement speaker that is unlike anything you've seen before. The bar has been lifted. The S3 prototype measures very well and performs well subjectively. However, one aspect that I consider to be a compromise is the transition from a circular aperture to a rectangular mouth. The Yorkville Unity uses an axi-symmetric horn but once all aspects of performance are considered, an elliptical form is the ideal shape for a Unity/Synergy horn. A further challenge with the original plan and design is that there is considerable difficulty in assembly. After assembling three prototypes, I have learnt that some aspects are inherently challenging and don't get easier. It's quite a bit more difficult than most people expect. No doubt there are some within the group that consider this a non-issue but we need to cater to the broad range of skill levels. As such, I now present an option that the team has been working on behind the scenes. I was concerned initially that the cost of this option would mean a price increase but, after some investigation, we now believe there's a good chance we can deliver without a cost blow-out. We are about to submit this design and obtain quotes. The following images show the updated S3 design. S3 is now elliptical with fibreglass construction. (CD not shown) This design is being offered exclusively to those who have paid the deposit for the mids. This will only be offered once and it's limited to those who were in the initial pre-order, or who have paid deposits. This is a not for profit venture. We anticipate that it will run at a loss. However, this project has always been about creating something that has never been offered before, something unique. If S3 is ever made available in the future, the price would be substantially increased. I'm now working in the audio industry and it would undermine my business to offer a high end statement speaker like this at cost price. I believe that S3 represents a very serious attempt at creating the ultimate horn speaker for the music lover. Did you have your heart set on building a flat pack? I realise that for some, the desire to build your own is a big issue. I understand that urge very well. I will reiterate that an S3 flat pack would still represent a considerable challenge to build. It was a concern that some may struggle with certain details that aren't obvious until you actually build it. I have built 3 pairs and I can tell you that it's much harder than it looks. The elliptical design is superior in performance, requires very little time to get up and running and there is still plenty of scope for DIY effort with the stand, mounting and bass module arrangement. It also offers a surface that is suited for spray painting, where ply or MDF are problematic. The horn will be supplied finished in black, but those wanting different colours could spray the colour of their choice. We are letting you know ahead of getting quotes so that there is some warning before we ask for payment. We require the next payment to cover manufacture before proceeding. If you anticipate financial difficulties, please let us know. We have a waiting list so if you are unable to proceed we will offer you place to another. Future availability is not promised and a significant price rise is certain.
  15. gaggia

    DIY Synergy horn

    malo procesljati AVS forum i cimnuti JLH sa diyaudio...
  16. mdaaaaa, kod men` su i po svoj prilici neee` da mrdaju odavde !!!
  17. gaggia

    Vintage full range

    @ zverko daj slikeeeee
  18. e sad ces usput, da ponovim, izgovora se kao: "bizartron" i nikako drugacije
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