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Zen Mod

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Blogovi objavljeno od Zen Mod

  1. Zen Mod
    I'm lazy to comment each picture ; cleaned , horn throat sanded , degreased , painted ;
    spider area on basket cleaned from glue residue
    prior to re-gluing it , VC is alligned with shims made of redundant photo ( didn't had usually used plastic foils near by)
    spare mesh dust cap placed just for fun ...... it will not be used
    I intend to redo other driver's horn throat in black , to make them same-looking
    so - pretty much same work as....or even less than complete recone ...... but without 150E spent unnecessary , for new cone

  2. Zen Mod
    I'm lazy , so there are excerpts from my correspondence on Tannoy Yahoo group; all quotes - Mighty ZM
    I'm putting this here as future reference for some other desperate Tanner ; I must admit ( or I'm just boasting ) - I'm always having serius backup for all things speakers - from Aleksandar RAAL ....... even if I'm always stubborn and I'm bugging him only post hoc ..... to be sure that I didn't blew something
    of course - "Danish guy " wasn't prepared to share his recipe ; I don't blame him
    that's why I'm sharing mine
    then one guy is saying that Mouse Glue is forbidden in some EU countries ; my reply :
    then guy asked where to search for surround impregnation goop ;
    my reply :
    then guy asked for difference sound-wise , pre and post procedure ; my reply :
    I hope you enjoyed little story
    In case that I remember to get cam to my workshop tomorrow , I'll make few pics and put it here , along with few pics of same drivers prior to fun procedure
    edit : did I told ya that each cone got 2 layers of Dammar ?
    all pics are after treatment , except last 3 ones - sent to me from seller , so prior to procedure ...... months ago
    if you're puzzled - here is a link for SigJenny sig gene proggie : http://www.natch.co.uk/downloads/SigJenny/SigJenny.html

  3. Zen Mod
    remove compression driver , sand horn throat, degrease it , cover cone with paper inlets , spray-paint da throat, wait , Dammar everything ( as Gusztav made the button ) , put compression driver back
    that's it - now K3833 is same as K3836 , excluding two funny golden rings ( to be precise - K3833 having gray basket and two golden rings , while K3836 having black basket and no silly golden rings )...... which will be invisible in WM , anyway .
    ...... A day later - measured Fs for both bass and compression drivers - 27 & 28 Hz , 1065 & 1075 Hz

  4. Zen Mod
    K3809 as main driver , K3833(K3836) as bass helper
    K3809 are mine , while K3833(K3836) (stars of previous blog entries ) are prepared for SuperFi's Westminster project
    just having fun with some old OB "wood" , gift from Chakija ( he's not feeling young enough to continue playing with them ....... )
    to be continued ...... these days I hope to have some time to mount crude xover , and put them in living room
    disclaimer - I'm really not expecting real bass ....... that's max width I can squeeze in living room , where spks must be situated
    addendum - there is bass , at least in my smallish living room ; sound is remarkable , even with crude and quick xover , without any efforts put in measurements and polishing of same ; OB is far from optimal in almost every area , but it is so fun .....

  5. Zen Mod
    AR2 , Mr. Burner himself - zna da fotka i voli da fotka ........foto ilustracija par godina prijateljstva i vezane prepiske ....... samo deo fotki koje su poslate u smeru SF - Ancient Batschmaltene svaka slika ima svoju pricu i svoj deo snafotke - naravno - random:cheers:-------------------------AR2 - Mr. Burner himself - knows how to make/take pictures , and loves to do that ........that's photo illustration of few years of friendship and related correspondence ....... just a part of many pictures sent from San Francisco to Ancient Batschalmost every photo have his own background story and it's definitely part of some dreamoff course - photos in random order

  6. Zen Mod
    Papa's Kung is funniest Fu
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