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Sve objavljeno od Trotter

  1. . Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  2. Radionula.com Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  3. Kakva je ovo žena bila... Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  4. Harvey Mandel - Baby Batter, da se osokolim pred gostovanje u Sevilji. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  5. To nisu detlici, to su dronovi. Obelezili su ti lokaciju. No, bez panike. Pusti par puta nedeljno Goribor i zakljucice da si tezak slucaj za pracenje i arhivirace te u fioka bazu. Proverena receptura od kad je keramika odlezala godinu i pol bez funkcije. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  6. Trotter


    Mada, ako oces opet epski kosovski haiku, eve: Razmisljam, zna li neko subotom raditi do petnes do sesnes spravljajuci tajni lak na bazi solestera butil acetata metoxy propanola kako je to za sredovecni mozak mladoga trottera cija krvca vri sto nece stici na enfild livadu pogledati kleš protivu sautemptona ogavnoga no se taj niko ne zapita cemu li neđelja sveta sluzi no da se odspava postenim snom crnog bluzera Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  7. Trotter


    Procito sam triput ali djaba. Ja bi reko da ti to oces metnes u neku kuteju ali neces kazes narodu? Kaki open baffle? I otkud ti to? I sta ce ti to? Di su nase pare? Ko je kriv? Sta je svrha smrti? Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  8. Trotter


    Pemate nojma. Kad W napise OB, to znaci Omnipotent Boombox. Sad kad se sastavio sa lemilicom taj ce da taj par tanoja ubaci u kupatilo, pogonjen onim necim iz one Zenove teme sto pogoni zvucnike sto mu poslo Nele. Kolko sam ja ukapiro, jedino u kupatilu nema sistem, tako da ce razvoj ici u tom pravcu. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  9. Evo ga čovek. Strašan baja je bio, uredne frizure, sa tetovažom gde treba, maniri na mestu, zvali ga u sve emisije. Cice su se otimale za njim. Facebook mu je delio tantijeme zbog poseta. Obogatio se i ziveo u multi penthouseima, imao dvanaest tisuca jahti i ugledan vozni park . Kupovao je i fensi parfeme. Strašan baja je bio. A onda je umreo pre nego sto je snimio drugi album. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  10. Fijuuu...! Strasan album! Ima kod rusa. "Pulled out this gem (Remember Me) today; I don’t know why. But damn, if it isn’t fine. Not a famous guy, but makes you wonder how much great stuff just goes untapped. Clue yourselves. Here’s my original take for Bucketfull of Brains from 2004… The late Charles Caldwell never made any money playing his music, but the liquor flowed fast enough in its place. He squeezed every drop of pain out of a hollow body Gibson that he bought at fourteen and was still playing forty-five years later. Sadly, just when archivists at Fat Possum discovered him and convinced him to record, pancreatic cancer came along and kicked his ass. But somehow he summoned up enough willpower to get into the studio and capture his magic for posterity. And what a record! More John Lee Hooker than Junior Kimbrough, Caldwell’s country blues is immediately accessible; his stark stomp and strum style only occasionally accompanied by subservient percussion. “I Know I Done You Wrong”. “Hadn’t I Been Good To You”. “I’ll Do Anything You Say”. The man is hurt. When Keith Richards hears this record, he’ll dig up Brian Jones and start the Rolling Stones all over again." Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  11. Dan Auerbach (The Black Keys): "I heard T-Model's first album, Pee-Wee Get My Gun, when I was about 18 and immediately loved it. It was so stripped down and raw, I almost couldn't believe it was real. I loved the propulsive, hypnotic thing that happens when you're making the most out of the most minimal instrumentation. I went to see him play at a little club called the Euclid Tavern in Cleveland and I was floored. He was playing a Peavey heavy metal guitar with lots of distortion, and the drummer, Spam, was obviously mentally ill. Hewould put his stick in his mouth and shake his head back and forth like a dog with a bone. Just outta control! "That was my introduction to T-Model Ford. It had a big influence on me, and I thought I could have fun doing this kind of music. Later, a friend and I went down to Greenville, Mississippi, to find T-Model Ford. It seems crazy to drive 24 hours to try to find someone you don't even know, but I did it. I don't know what I was thinking. Greenville is pretty fucked up. Really bad drug problems, weird, a rough spot to say the least. When you hear about T-Model being a violent guy you know where it comes from. Where he's from his story is common: abused by his father, not going to school, family not around. "This big white Lincoln pulled up with a dangerous-looking plywood trailer, with 'Boss of the Blues' painted on the side in black spray paint. It's T-Model. I walked over and said I'd been looking for him, and he told me to follow him. We get to an opening with two trailer homes and a little BBQ and a few people outside. I brought out my guitar and we plugged into the same amp and T-Model likes what he hears, understands that I know his music and I'm following him. He knew exactly what he was doing. Old guys don't play those unnecessary licks any more, they've figured out you don't need anything fancy, you just do the right shit over and over again. It's almost like outsider art. All he has to do is be himself, and that will always be pure. "We jammed all afternoon and played a juke joint that night, then slept on his floor. He was nothing but nice – all smiles. There's nothing like T-Model's smile, and boy, he'll use it! He'll find the prettiest girl in the audience and just smile all night. I think about him every once in a while when I'm onstage, especially when I'm having a shitty gig. When he sat behind his guitar it didn't matter that he was only getting $5 for a four-hour set, he was just happy to be able to play." It's helpful to remember that. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  12. R.I.P. Malcolm. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  13. IMG/https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/812jm2e2ZqL._SL1500_.jpg/IMG Gravelroad - Capitol Hill Country Blues Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  14. One moonshine, second one and one beer. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  15. Munja i drugari Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  16. Little Axe - Hard Grind Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  17. ʇɹǝɔuoʞ ᴉʞsɾɐɹǝʇsdᴉH Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  18. https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71KDMWkGwxL._SL1500_.jpg
  19. Ovde onaj smajlić koji se klanja.. Inače, možda je to jedini LP koji ti treba od njih, za ostale nisam baš siguran da bi ti falili. Moje dve pare... one koje ne vraćaju u dućanu. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  20. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  21. Digitalni youtube peva vinil analogni svira za mikspultom mozak, siva smeša molekula (Horacije, konj, dvogodišnjak, pobednik velike nagrade Dubaija, 2034.). Odjaha Trotter drugovencani u grmove guste neuronskih veza ne bi li strasnome Wolandu sacinio pisma u formi saopstenja otacbinske uprave no ne bjese od postanka vijeka i nadalje za dve do dve i po godine lijeka casnoga u narodu koji moze postena Trottera ustati u 6 izjutra jerbo u ta doba po mrklome mraku sa buzdovanom u zubima i lulom pod miškom Trotter ustaje i posle tretmana u spa centru svog kupatila nekako otkljucava brave i slobodnim padom izlazi na mrkli mrak uputivsi se u pravcu pekarice kaneci kupiti svijeze pecivo i rog jogurta ne bi li ga odrzali u zivotu dok svoju slobodu i smisao zivota trosi u narednih osam sati u magacinu adu strasnome paklu neopisivome zaradjujuci dukat dva koji ce krajem meseca ubaciti u kesu onima koji nemaju ni srca ni duse ni leukocita takoreci onima koji su se snasli i koje da tako kazemo populacija pingvina na jugu patagonije smatra kitovima ubicama. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  22. Evo ih, baš su wicked. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  23. Za djecarca podno Maljen strasnom mountin planinom One burbon van skoč uno bir. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  24. Na kornjačinim leđima otežala tepsija ona se trgnu, zbaci tepsiju (Jarmo Kotlonainen Suzuki, 2017.) Premotavaše traku na magnetofone vrli junak Momčilo već šes godina šes godina istu pijesmu mu pevaše no Momčilu zasmrdije traka jako te junak u šumu svijesno šmugnu đe topolu staru nađe i buzdovan strašni od nje zubima izdubi pa Momčilo iz šume slavno zdimi jakom potom u Nemanjinu skokom stupi te tomahavkom topolovim razbi magnetofon onaj ko mače muškatlu. (Petar Petrović, penzioner, 2017. pred novu godinu oko petnes do sesnes). Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  25. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
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