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Sve objavljeno od shonne

  1. shonne

    Lepota dizajna

    http://audiotweak.net/2012/12/04/class-a-monster-power-amplifier-aleph-x-by-horst-wolf/ jedan od lepsih radova koje sam video...
  2. http://www.troelsgravesen.dk/coils.htm
  3. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3612616/?ref_=nv_sr_1 malo je screen cudan, ali je film odlican...
  4. nego, gde nalazis ove zastite oko torusa?
  5. I meni se cinilo da je 7000 bio naporan kada sam slusao...Da ne bude da trazim gotova resenja oko toga sta je bolje, vec samo da cujem misljenja i drugih kako bih neke nedoumice resio.
  6. Koliko je hvaljen taj twiter za divno cudo SS jos nije povecao cenu istom...Nisam nasao na netu da neko ima lose misljenje o njemu. Ako se dotaknem teme, ring vs dome, taj visokotonac uz pravilni setup je isti sa R3004/6620 Ring... Bar tako kaze Troels... I may have a preference for the ring radiator tweeter, but generally the two versions sound much alike with the 6600 having a little more presence, but this may very much depend on tweeter attenuation. Before installing the crossovers for good, pull some long wires and try out all tweeter attenuation options. It must be tried and don't be seduced by excessive treble levels that may cause ear fatigue in the long run. Play acoustic instruments like piano, flute, oboe, clarinet, etc., and find your preferred tuning. http://www.troelsgravesen.dk/Illumina-66.htm
  7. Interesantan taj Reaspons...http://frequence.dk/hifi/66-respons/1032-respons-grand-dimension/ ovo u Dansku jeftino? Zar taj berilijum dome toliko vredi boga mu... Elem, ako je muzikalnost u pitanju onda dome po mom ukusu.
  8. kod Dayensa pazario Vifa XT25?
  9. Sta kaze lik koji je vlasnik bete a ujedno imao i Aleph 5 the B24 is a real balanced and fully symmetrical amplifier and this from A-Z, the Aleph 5 is not. As far as sound is, the B24 is more dynamic and detailed than the Aleph 5 and musicality is kinda similar for the two (they're both very involving) but the soundstage of the B24 to my ears is much better than my Aleph 5 (which I sold some time ago). All in all, I much prefer my B24, and this is the reason why I sold the Aleph 5. But, the Aleph series of amps from Pass are way better than his F series. The B24 is a very revealing amplifier so bad recordings will sound bad and good ones very good, the Aleph is a little more smooth and hides a little more so it all depends what you want.
  10. Zanima me misljenje clanova u vezi ovih tvitera. Zasto dome, zasto ring radiator , za i protiv...tj misljenja. Molim vas da ne uplicemo u temu Ribbone, jer nisam zainteresoivan za to... Ako neko nesto ima da kaze, bio bih zahvalan...
  11. Evo kako izgleda amp, pa "strucnjaci" mogu da se bace na razmatranje, da li to "svira" ili ne
  12. za 70 eur koliko sam platio Amd FX 6300, komp leti... Intel...mozda, ali za ove pare AMD rules
  13. jedan stan je 400k eur http://www.autonomija.info/milos-vasic-davljenik-beograd.html
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