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Sve objavljeno od sp300b

  1. sp300b

    Babelfish J

    Sporo citam, brzo zaboravljam klikni na linkOvde imas i telefone
  2. sp300b

    Babelfish J

    Cuj kompromis -pa, bolje od ovoga ne mere
  3. Respect to the Admin Obviously I've made a mistake - intention was to get answers from Magura
  4. So, I'm impatient, so now I'm going to kill myself I'm so keen to hear 2 things:1) Is it working?2) Can it drive F4 ;-)
  5. I can't wait any more. When do You expect to connect all those Dreky parts and plug it to the Power?
  6. sp300b

    Pass XA.5 Concept

    Strasno, citas misli...diskutovao sam za Zenom popodne...uz sve sto si naveo jos 2SC4793/2SA1837 za strujna ogledala.
  7. sp300b

    Pass XA.5 Concept

    Nakon razmisljanja najblizi sam da u skoroj buducnosti malo ekperimentisem sa sledecom schemom uz nesto promenjene aktivne elemente Vise detalja pri cemu autor za ovaj UGS kaze: To go straight to the conclusion, I must confess that (for me) this version is by (a lot of) far superior to the mosfet version, cascode or not. Ultimate speed, added life to the music, truth everywhere, instrument location, dynamics, widening... Wowwwww... What a beast ! And from the technical point of view, it's a pleasure. I love the elegant simplicity of the design. And no more need of common-mode feedback resistors... Provided that the transitors are thermally coupled, it sticks to 0V, typically 0.1 to 0.2mV, both relative and absolute, without any parts matching.
  8. sp300b

    Pass XA.5 Concept

    Pronaci ce njega Bili...vidi, R8 se nalazi izmenju Katode (-) i Ref Pina...zato sam i zbunj....
  9. sp300b

    Pass XA.5 Concept

    NP:"If you want compensation, just put a thermistor in series withthe resistance between the + and control pins."Misli se na vezu izmedju Anode(+) i Vref pina.Dakle, treba razmisliti koji NTC bi bio odgovarajuci u seriji sa R2... Vo = (1 + R1/R2)* Vref (=2.495V).Impulse, ...tek sad sam procitao SIPI-jev komentar.Dakle, sad smo skroz zbunjeti i treba odspavati pa doneti zakljucak.SIPI, zahvaljujem na komentaru.
  10. sp300b

    Pass XA.5 Concept

    Moze lako biti da si u pravu. Treba malo razmisliti - i hocu, da znas.Zahvaljujem.
  11. sp300b

    Pass XA.5 Concept

    Razmisljanje na temu - referenca za kasnije - TL431 - Vbe multiplierPass F4 details:Po formuli gore, za F4 na izlazu TL431 je opseg promene napona u opsegu od 6.2 - 8 V.R1 = 22.1K, R2 = 10K (CW) ili 15 K (CCW)NTC u paraleli sa R1 ima za posledicu smanjenje Otpora sa porastom Temperature, te ukupan "R1" sastavljen od R1 i od NTC u paraleli ima manju otpornost, cime se utice da na izlazuu TL431 imamo manji napon sa porastom Temperature. Treba jos smisliti koji konkretno NTC...
  12. sp300b

    Pass XA.5 Concept

    TL431 Temp. Comp. NP: ...As to the temperature compensation, the circuit drifts positive on bias, so of course you set it at temperature, and it's fine. If you want compensation, just put a thermistor in series with the resistance between the + and control pins. When I do this I usually use another resistor in parallel with the thermistor so I can box its range better...
  13. sp300b

    Pass XA.5 Concept

    Jasno.Nemam pojma da'l su nabavljivi...
  14. sp300b

    Pass XA.5 Concept

    Trazio - nema se...mora da se izgubilo kada se prelazilo na Vista-u...
  15. sp300b

    Babelfish J

    Slazem se - To se oseti "iz prve". Ma jok, mora da je zbog kruske (domace)
  16. sp300b

    Pass XA.5 Concept

    Da se samo-dopunim Nisam ubedjen da je Cheef-ov UGS Amp odradjen u XA stilu opisanom ovde (Aleph with active power current source). U medjuvremnu sam shvatio da Cheef UP (UGS Amp) zapravo jeste napravljen u stilu XA.5 koncepcije. XA koncepcija je umesto UGS-a imala zajednicki LTP i Alephe (2 komada levo desno, balansirano) na izlazu. Modovi, ne bilo vam zapovedjeno, da naslov teme modifikujete u Pass XA.5 Concept - naime, na to sam mislio da pro-diskutujemo u ovoj temi. Fala Vi unapred
  17. sp300b

    Pass XA.5 Concept

    Odgovor je prost i lepo je dato objasnjenje u Patentu (imas link gore). Dakle, cita Ti, cita Ti i samo cita Ti
  18. sp300b

    Pass XA.5 Concept

    i neka nam ostane kao referenca - Pass sam kaze za svoju XA seriju, poredeci je sa X serijom: ... Cascode JFET Symmetric front end
  19. sp300b

    Pass XA.5 Concept

    Da se nastavimo...u glasnom razmisljanju. 1994
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