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  1. Vec neko vreme pokusavam da podesim network mode ali kao da ne radi, pokusao sam Blueetooth i on radi.
    Pratim upustvo i postoji 3 nacina da se konektuje na network, preko kabla, WPS i Standard (wifi). Nemam WPS opciju na ruteru pa sam pokusao Standard i tu pise:


    After switching the Vena II Play on, press and hold the Wi-Fi SET-UP button on the rear panel for 8 seconds. For the first 4 seconds the Wi-Fi LED will double-flash and beep with a warning tone - keep holding the button down and after 8 seconds the Wi-Fi LED will flash quickly and also beep with a warning tone. The Standard connection mode is now active and the Wi-Fi hotspot will be found after 20 seconds. Then the Wi-Fi LED will flash-breathe with a slow fluctuation between off and on (reflected by the white LED on the front panel). You can now use your Android or IOS device to enter the Wi-Fi password using the Play-Fi APP

    Nista se ne desava posle 4 sekunde, nema double-flash ni tona, isto posle 8 sekundi. WiFi LED prvo samo svetli i tek posle nekoliko minuta pocne da treperi ali ne prestaje. Proverio sam da se nije pojavila wifi mreza ali nista, ne vidi se ni preko aplikacije DTS Play Fi.

    Probao sam i preko kabla


    After switching on the Vena II Play, the white NET LED on the front panel and red Wi-Fi LED on the rear panel will flash during the initialize phase of Wi-Fi mode. the white NETLED will slow-flash when the device goes into the wired network connection. If the connection is successful, the red Wi-Fi LED will go off, but the white NET LED stays lit.

    U ovom slucaju svetla nikad ne prestanu da trepcu, ostavio sam ga duze vreme i nista.

    Pokusao sam i reset da uradim i tu se isto ne cuje ton, ali LED zasvetli i vidim da se jacina tona resetuje, ali i posle njega ista je situacija ja networkom.


    Synchronously hold and press the buttons " NET and PHONO "for 8 seconds, the Standby LED will flash twice with a warning
    tone. Then Vena II Play will automatically restore the factory defaults and restart.

    Da li neko zna da li ja radim nesto pogresno ili je mozda problem do uredjaja?

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