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  1. I'm searching how to measure according to international standard, i'm writing my own software for measuring and REW measured not exactly DR, rmaa - everything is lying, didn't watch ARTA yet
  2. Здраво свима Извините Не знам технички српски, па пишем на енглеском Српски учим тек пола године Where can I find measurement specifications, does anyone know links to current/modern documentation? For example, is it possible to measure the noise level of a sound card with a gain ratio of 1 to 1? (assume the input is ideal and measure only the output) How is dynamic range measured? i.e. 32 bit integer pcm dr=192 dB , but OVP can add analog clipping at lower amplitude, then i can find max volume without clipping and dr=max vol - noice level and signal to noise ratio = max volume/noice level ?
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