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Zen Mod

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Blogovi objavljeno od Zen Mod

  1. Zen Mod
    Fender Stratocaster tweaks , for hum reducing
    - 0,3mm Cu foil , cut to strips and fields , glued with neoprene glue to back of mask , entire body cavity
    - all Cu planes strategically connected with soldering and grounded to CT Ground - back of volume pot
    - entire wiring changed to screened two wire cable , where screen is connected as shield strictly - on upstream signal side
    - pot shafts lightly oiled
    Woland's Kidoe will enjoy , I'm sure ..............
    - ignore predominant red color on pics - it's from red velvet and my red plastic terrace roof

  2. Zen Mod
    few day's work ; reason for operation was - broken ends , due to too much manipulation ( they aren't exactly made flexible .... while still fragile )
    intention was to dismantle them , without ruining end stickers .......... ya can call me enthusiast
    however , thin foils are better ........ to my ears
    btw - main stickers ( at fork ends ) are having arrows , as that cables are "directioned"
    I couldn't see any fact for that , in their construction

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